help me im in terirble pain


ok ive got this itch / irritation in the corner of my eye not my actual eye

ive treid everything took serveral baths showers, creams etc its so itchy and its lasted for like 3 days and its horrible anyone know of any thing that can stop it ?!?! :confused: so uncomfortable

i even tried taping some wet cotton things to my eye but it fell off :/


Well-known member
Two things come to mind...
Eye infection?

If it's allergies, then a cold cloth will sooth the discomfort. You could try some OTC antihistamine allergy eye drops like "Zaditor".

If it's an eye infection or viral infection of the eye, you will need to see the ophthalmologist for treatment or even a general MD.

A third thing came to mind... Did you rub your eye with some chemical on your hands? Handle any hot or spicy foods lately? Pepper sauce or the pepper itself? Onion or garlic? An eye wash would be good for that, even just running tap water over your eye would be good as well.


Well-known member
i wouldnt touch it or put anything on it b4 you know what it is ...... see the docs ..


Well-known member
It's a possibility it could be conjunctivitis (a.k.a. "pink eye"), though it doesn't sound like it. It seems like you need to see a doctor. I don't know where you live, but if you're in the U.S., if you don't have a doctor or insurance, try to find a local free clinic. But it needs to be seen by a doctor. Any creams you're using could be irritating it even worse & it might even spread to your actual eye. Especially since it's already been like that for three days.

EDITL I just realized this says "Social Anxiety UK" lol, so you're obviously not in the U.S. But I'm sure you know what to do. Either way, you need to be seen by a doctor.
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Sounds like a minor infection. You should see a doctors, he/she will probably give you some antibiotics for it or something.