Help for Self-Image (Body Image)


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I've learned to love my body for what it can do, rather than worrying about what it appears like to others. I can run. I wouldn't want to be anyone else. I'm finally able to use the gift my parents gave to me; my legs, my heart that pumps so strongly, my determination, my courage. I am so thankful. I'm not interested in the way I appear to others anymore. I am more interested in what my body is able to do, like run marathons. Health and appearence wise I'm doing better than most 48 year olds. And I am healthier and happier than I was for most of my twenties and thirties. I've created a dream for myself, a running dream.

Very powerful kiwong, I'll be thinking about this all day.

Words, the right words can open my eyes then save my mind.


Well-known member
I've seen these sites before. One can always find that one person who is absolutely perfect (usually a young, beautiful, perfectly proportioned, tight-bodied woman with great hair and skin), but goes on about how much they hate their body when all they're really doing is showing off.
I can appreciate the intent of such a site but it doesn't help me much. I'm glad it helps others.

If I may add. There is nothing wrong with the women on that site. Most of them are just a bit out of shape. Anyone can look decent if they work out and eat well. If they choose not to work out and lead a healthy life style (or have interventions) then the only choice they have is to learn to like themselves the way they are.
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Well-known member
Thanks a lot for finding this Beatrice. All I can say that after 2 pregnancies my tummy will never be the same as it once was. I do as many crunches as I can but I believe the crunches have done enough as they can. Maybe one day I can opt for a tummy tuck but I am actually content with how it is now.

I've seen women who have had four, five and recently I've seen a woman who has birthed eight kids (Yes! Eight kids!)who have very flat abs. Crunches alone won't get you dramatic results. You have to change your diet and do some hard core exercising. But, I have to say that I'd rather have a bit of a tummy than have six-pack abs.


Well-known member
@ kiwong, on the other end of the spectrum, being a runner also, my mind thinks, "despite working hard, pushing to the limit, becoming a fast and strong runner, my body still doesn't look ok.. while some people effortlessly lie around all day and look good." luck, genetics.. :(
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Well-known member
if u could have 2 out of 3, what would they be?

a good physical appearance
b stable mental state
c stable financial status


Well-known member
haha yeah, well i guess poor is always relative.. very poor or slightly poor, just like mental health.. everyone is alittle insane..

im trying to think which is worse, b or c, and now i think i wouldnt mind being insane.. i think its just as possible to be happy and insane.. on the upside, alot of geniuses and artists are insane.

the more i think abt it, the more obvious it seems that A is the least important choice, but is the option that is nonnegotiable & a must have


Well-known member
i dont know.. maybe its a base to base casis, i like the idea of being aware of insanity or being mentally unstable. or i think, the better and more mature and accepting people are with dealing with their mental sicknesses, the more they gain awareness and control over it, like the guy in a beautiful mind. It takes a lot of mental stability to get a hold of mental instability.

i heard that the feeling of schizophrenia is 'not being able to see your own thoughts'.. described by a schizo who killed a famous guy and he probably wasnt aware he did it? imagine the feeling of SA, we're TOO aware of our thoughts.. what if teh opposite & we didn't see them,


Well-known member
@ kiwong, on the other end of the spectrum, being a runner also, my mind thinks, "despite working hard, pushing to the limit, becoming a fast and strong runner, my body still doesn't look ok.. while some people effortlessly lie around all day and look good." luck, genetics.. :(

Dyingtolive, I think with running you can build health, strength and fitness that is lasting. Lying around all day and not exercising will eventually come against people even with good genetics as youth fades. A running friend of mine who is the same age as me, reckons we are doing better than most people of our age, physically, appearence wise and also health wise.
I've seen women who have had four, five and recently I've seen a woman who has birthed eight kids (Yes! Eight kids!)who have very flat abs. Crunches alone won't get you dramatic results. You have to change your diet and do some hard core exercising. But, I have to say that I'd rather have a bit of a tummy than have six-pack abs.

Yes, I have seen women like that as well. I would LOVE to know about the hard core exercising that they do. I dont JUST do crunches, I jog as well. What am I missing out on? Well, I don't want a six pack either hahahahaha. Just want it to be somewhat tight like it was pre-pregnancy. Please let me know. I eat all the right foods too.


Well-known member
I agree with you that many girls submit their pictures just to show off. But many of them have had serious eating disorders and struggled with abuse, depression, etc., and so posting there is a way for them to get their story out and try to feel good about themselves. I submitted a picture to that site because I have confidence issues and body image issues. I think it did help me feel better because I felt I was making a statement saying I was fine the way I was, and people commented on the photo with nice comments. I don't know, just my thoughts on it.

That's fair. Considering all of this makes me more annoyed that attention mongering women submit their photos to show off.


Well-known member
Yes, I have seen women like that as well. I would LOVE to know about the hard core exercising that they do. I dont JUST do crunches, I jog as well. What am I missing out on? Well, I don't want a six pack either hahahahaha. Just want it to be somewhat tight like it was pre-pregnancy. Please let me know. I eat all the right foods too.

Seriously, I get jealous when I see those women, but I have to remind myself that it takes a lot of work (or tummy tucks) for them to be in that kind of shape.

I started working out after I had my daughter and my ab muscles were very stretched out so I know how you feel. I did yoga, pilates, and cardio. I also used light weights when I did pilates and cardio. Weights will really transform your body, and as long as you keep them light, you won't have to worry about getting seriously ripped.
Swimming is a great full-body workout and anything that works out the thighs also work out the abs. Also, it helps to use fat burners. It's cheating, but it helps and it gives you energy to work out. Consistency is key.

I have to admit that as a mom, I have learned to appreciate womanly curves. I personally don't want a super flat belly. Toned is enough for me.


Well-known member
Yeah, seriously. Though... people may say that about me. I submitted a *ahem* "sexy" photo... but I did it because I'm insecure and wanted to get over it, not to show off. But I could see how people would think I WAS showing off by the way I posed in it, lol. Oh well :/

I see a few women posing half naked, but those aren't the ones I was referring to. Most of the women I saw who were in their underwear didn't look bad to me.


Well-known member
there are some hardcore runners (or athletes of other spots) who are real fast and strong, but if they're endomorphs, or they got fat genes, they usually stay at a certain plateau and can't be cut like brad pitt or angelina jolie. on the inside, they may be machines but on the outside, they can even look out of shape. so while exercise is good for health, it doesn't necessarily always work for helping self-image, or atleast there's a limit to how good you can look..

and then here comes along someone who doesn't work out but naturally doesn't have any fat in their belly. They do 5 crunches and all of a sudden the next day they have abs.
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Seriously, I get jealous when I see those women, but I have to remind myself that it takes a lot of work (or tummy tucks) for them to be in that kind of shape.

I started working out after I had my daughter and my ab muscles were very stretched out so I know how you feel. I did yoga, pilates, and cardio. I also used light weights when I did pilates and cardio. Weights will really transform your body, and as long as you keep them light, you won't have to worry about getting seriously ripped.
Swimming is a great full-body workout and anything that works out the thighs also work out the abs. Also, it helps to use fat burners. It's cheating, but it helps and it gives you energy to work out. Consistency is key.

I have to admit that as a mom, I have learned to appreciate womanly curves. I personally don't want a super flat belly. Toned is enough for me.

I forgot to mention that I do weight lifting as I have my own weight bench. I need to try yoga and pilates. Like buy some dvds for that. Taking yoga and pilates classes at a gym is very costly. Thanks for these tips and I drink heaps of water as I have heard that that helps with flat tummies also. It's actually only been a year since I had my son. I've still got a lot more time for more changes in my stomach.