Hello, all


New member
Hi, I am a 19 year old student living in London. I was diagnosed with Social Anxiety at the age of 15, and CBT raised me to a basic level of functioning. To be honest, I'm not sure if it's SA or just many layers of shyness. I find it very hard to make friends and am incredibly akward. I find most people, like classmates, tricky to relate to.
Well, I definately relate to everyone here :)
Finally, a place where you won't get "You're so quiet" or "Why don't you talk?"
So, yeah. To sum up, Hai!::p:
Welcome! :)

I'm a student too, in Lancaster, just doing my third year now. What course are you doing?

Good to hear the CBT helped! I've been looking into attending a group myself, but seem to be having trouble finding one. Does it require a visit to a GP?
Hi, welcome :)! Hope you have a good time here! ^-^
enjoy and hope you meet nice people around here you can relate to ! :)


New member
Welcome! :)

I'm a student too, in Lancaster, just doing my third year now. What course are you doing?

Good to hear the CBT helped! I've been looking into attending a group myself, but seem to be having trouble finding one. Does it require a visit to a GP?

Still studying A Levels at the moment, I did very badly in my GCSE's first time round ::(:
But yeah, I had to go the a GP to get refered for CBT, though the proccess was pretty easy


Well-known member
Hey hey :) That's the reason I joined as well.. Finally people that understand! Haha, welcome!