Have you ever reconnected with an old friend?


Well-known member
There's been so many people that I've pushed away for various reasons (mostly my fault for being insecure and having social anxiety), but I miss them so much.

It's easy to just send them a message on facebook and be like 'Hey *****! How are things going with you? I heard *blahblahblahblah*...Anyway, I was just thinking that it's been so long since we last spoke and figured I'd ask how things were!'

But then that's where things start to develop and that's where the anxiety comes in. Ideally I'd like to get our relationship back. Go from not talking at all to hanging out occasionally. But, that scares me and takes me back to why I'm not friends with these people anymore. Not because I don't like them...Not because they don't like me...But because I get nervous when I'm with them. I guess I think very highly of them and feel like I'm not good enough to hang out with them. Or that if I were to meet their current friends I'd be awkward and we wouldn't get along and I'd be the outcast and they'd be ashamed of me and blahblahblah.

I want to be a normal person. Someone who goes to parties...I don't have to drink...Just go to socialize with the people I know and listen to music and have fun. But then I fear someone will be there that will make me anxious (whether it be someone that I'm not fond of or just a stranger) and I'll make a fool of myself.

I just feel so ashamed of myself sometimes and I think that's what stops me from making and keeping friends. It's easier for me to be alone (or with the few friends I've managed to keep) and free of anxiety than to be put into anxiety causing situations everytime we hang out.

And then there's the thought that they might not want to associate with me anymore. I should mention that it's probably been 1-3 years since I've had a real conversation with any of these people.

TL;DR: So...Question...Have you ever attempted to reconnect with an old friend? How did you do it? Facebook? Over the phone? In person? How did it go? Were things very different? Advice for me? :rolleyes:


Well-known member
First of all, it sounds like you think you're a malfunctioning person, that you have to be a certain way to be *real* and normal. If you realize that this is who you are, then at least you have a chance to overcome it, to change who you are, just don't think that you're defunct or something..... you'll never get past it that way, I assure you.

To answer the question, I guess I sorta had this thing for a girl in one of my classes, a very small class and in my area of expertise, so the four of us in the class relied on each other to get things right, and since I was the smartest, I helped everyone. Anyway, that was my last year of school and I lost touch with the girl. About a year or so back, I found her on Facebook and sent a message. We chatted a little, found out what happened after our school lives and that she had a boyfriend. But then.... it just faded. I think if you actually talk to the people, you might not think so highly, I think you deified them, to a certain extent.


Well-known member
I think you're right. I do tend to think very highly of other people, but not so highly of myself. I suppose I kept in touch with the friends I still have just fine, so there must have been a reason why I didn't keep in touch with the others. :) Thanks.


Well-known member
i've reconnected with old friends several different times

most recently it has been on Facebook, email, and other internet connections

we don't talk a whole lot - but it's nice to see what people are up to

and just feel connected again, y'know?

i recently had over 65 people tell me "Happy Birthday" over the internet

i thought that was pretty cool

otherwise, i would've just got a couple of cards from my mom


Well-known member
Well, I tried to do just this recently. Things did not go well, in fact, he has ignored my previous 20-30 plus smses to him. I'm starting to look like a stalker, lol. I really wanted to be talking to him again, really missing him, but I guess its not meant to be.


Well-known member
Just recently, actually. I hadn't spoken to him in at least 2 years, but that was because he had feelings for me once upon a time. I didn't return them and felt it best that I avoid making frequent contact with him so as to minimize the hurt. The reunion went well.


Well-known member
i've reconnected with old friends several different times...

Yeah, that all I'd need. Just to see what they've been up to! That must have been nice...66 Happy belated birthday! :)

Well, I tried to do just this recently. Things did not go well, in fact, he has ignored my previous 20-30 plus smses to him. I'm starting to look like a stalker, lol. I really wanted to be talking to him again, really missing him, but I guess its not meant to be.

Ohhh too bad. :( That's what I fear is going to happen. But, I suppose that's just how it happens sometimes.

Just recently, actually. I hadn't spoken to him in at least 2 years, but that was because he had feelings for me once upon a time. I didn't return them and felt it best that I avoid making frequent contact with him so as to minimize the hurt. The reunion went well.

Yeah, that makes sense. Glad it went well!


Well-known member
Ive wanted to, several times. But every time i get the opportunity i clam up and get nervous and dont bother.

That made me stop trying altogether.


Well-known member
I'm supposed to meet up with them this week. I was supposed to last week but I bailed out of self consciousness... :( the 2 friends just hung out with eachother w/o me. But this week I hope it happens. I'm rather excited to talk to them again, one being my ex-best


I know how you feel, I have stop taking to close friends b/c of my SA and then 6 months later gotten out of my rut, and call them out of the blue after they've been trying to get intouch with me. My problem is I've had these friends all through high school and I've pulled the disappearing act 3 times now... I am currently in another rut but will be going off to an airline training program so I figure once Ive completed that and have something to talk about I'll reconnect with them again... I'm scared because it's not the first time I've just completely disappeared, they must think I'm crazy!


Well-known member
my goal is to make 2 million dollars which I was on the right track in doing till 16 months ago. That way I'll have something to talk about in the very least to make up for not seeing them all these years.