hating birthdays


Well-known member
I just like spending my birthday as if it were an ordinary day, no celebration is the best for me, but than, its not like i have a zillion friend calling me for celebration, I haven't had a single friend for the past few years, no one to call to go places with..
Hope you still have a happy B-day , even if its your family who you celebrate with, its atleast someonies who care for you.
Or is there really no one around you?
You know, I never give a B-day party for my friends, So I can relate to this.
You're not alone

Edit: oh woops I thought the Start post was by fighter86, Woops :p

Hope you have a happy B-day DebbieOwner :) put a nice song on, or watch a nice comedy, do something that enjoys you.
That will make u happier.


Well-known member
Happy freaking birthday Debbie! I know it's not a celebration most care for but what the hell, I'm thinking a blanket, candles and a biggg longgggggg........marathon of Star Trek is what I would be doing.


Well-known member
Happy birthday! But i understand how you feel. I'm not looking forward to mine. Maybe have some time in the evening, have a nice bath and pamper yourself. Always helps to lift my mood. :)


Well-known member
My birthday is soon and i'm really not looking forward to it, just another day where nothing will happen, i like your idea though Aimee a day of pampering sounds like fun!

Happy Birthday
lol thanks for all the happy birthday wishes ;)

i'd love to just relax at home and not make a big deal of it, it's just that that is what my best friend always tries to do even though every year i plead with her not to. she always plans some kind of surprise that involves me feeling really uncomfortable because of my SA...don't get me wrong, she's an awesome friend to care enough to do things for me for my bday. But honestly I just hate the attention.

one year she arranged to have this singer we both liked sing happy birthday to me at a party we were at...I didn't know about it obviously and was in the bathroom when she sang it...so I ended up coming out to all these people staring at me, my friend was mad at me and the singer pointed to me and made some kind of joke about it...EVERYONE was staring. SA nightmare....

anyway, looks like i'll be snowed in this year! happy birthday after all! lol :D


Well-known member
Happy Unrecognized Birthday! I'm the same way. When I was a kid, birthdays were something I always looked forward to. Now as an adult, I hate them, and I wish that nobody would ever recognize my birthday at all. Just another day out of the year, and I honestly hate being "old"... and being reminded of it as well... :rolleyes: