hate the summer anyone!


Well-known member
summer sucks. i dont get jealous or sad that other people are out having fun in the hot sun and im not.

i hate summer because its too freakin hot. i get migranes easily and i lose my appetite. i love cold rainy cloudy days... not because it gives me an excuse to be inside all day, but because i just love cold stormy weather. its so calming and relaxing. id rather cuddle up in a blanket in bed and watch a movie i like while its raining outside, rather then suffering through this horrible heat and not being able to eat, sleep, or think clearly because of it.



Well-known member
I hate summer. I can't stand the heat. The humidity and the bright hot sun gives me headaches and makes me all moody and depressed. I only like summer if it's raining. Bring on the cold, cold winter.


Active member
I don't hate the summer.

I hate the part of me that won't let me enjoy it as much as other people do.

There are some things that are annoying sometimes though.

The temperature, bugs, and um...more bugs. lol

Oh wow, you're all getting headaches too? I have had a migraine from yesterday morning until now...it's the worst headache I've ever had. IT JUST WON'T GO AWAY!


Well-known member
i used to love pretty much , now i hate it bcoz of many nasty symptoms , where sensory overload is the toughest one. Overheat issue , HH , another problem.

I used to live by the seaside, where climathihc condition is better than here. Not humid , breezing all the time. Hopefully i will be living there again
I love the summer!! ::p:
I get migraines too, but I get them more in the winter when I've been outside in the cold air for too long. The heat in the summer doesn't seem to cause them at all for me, although sometimes a thunderstorm (which happens more in the summertime) will- but probably due more to changes in air pressure I would think.


Well-known member
I dislike it! The hard, dry ground gives me shin splints and the hot sun makes me feel slow and sluggish. It would be nice if it were 30 or so degrees cooler... with rain to soften the earth and some clouds to block out the sun... :D


I like the winter when I can wear coats to cover up and sweaters. I also like having my room warm & cozy instead being humid & hot like a blast furnace in the summer.


Staff member
ideal???? you gotta be joking rado! it's 30 today and midnight was 23 degrees....


it's humid here so feels way hotter than it really is, I lived in LA for a while and the heat was bearable as it was dry.

How any of you cope being in humid tropical areas beats me :/

I like 21 dgrees max, anything else is uncomfortable


Well-known member
I live in a country that's hot and humid all year round, so staying home is unbearable because of all the heat! Since I don't have the summer holidays to talk about because its summer all year round here, I'm left with the weekends. Its not too bad, I just sleep 16hrs a day, what really bugs me is how people always ask what I do during the weekend, and I have nothing to say because I do nothing all weekend!


I can't stand the heat.
I can't have my window open to keep cool because my neighbours have barbecues every single day and I can't stand the smell.
Meat? No thank you. : D
So I just sit and melt in my bedroom.
If summer was cold, I'd have no problem with it.