guys I'm real worried..


Well-known member
Sometimes words of affirmation is what you need to feel content; especially if you are going through a tough time.

I am worried about alot of things right now myself: my school, a VERY big job, and the anticipation of having wonderful things in my life again. Because of these factors--all rolled into one big anxiety--I am having to reach out to those I love a little more now than usual. They notice the change too. But I just feel more of a need right now than I normally would, you know? I am hoping they won't think I've lost my mind or something, and that they will temporarily "up the love dose" you might say, and help me through these harder moments til I feel better. I'll get there, as my sweetie always assures me.:) But I have to get over this horrible mountain first.

The fact that all of you are showing such a caring regard for this guy makes me jealous, actually. So, rest assured all this honest address of interest will let pj know he has people who give a damn if he exists or not.

That was all he needed to know.:)


Both of you sound freaking ridiculous. Arguing over this subject isn't going to make you feel better Chained and it certainly won't make PJS feel any better if he comes back to find this bickering. It could possibly make him feel as if he started this which could only bring him down more.

Klytus, we've clashed before but all I will ask you to do is realize that she's just telling how she feels whether it means anything to you at all. Someone needs to be an adult and end this because you're both acting childish.

Sorry I can't see what's that bad with what Chained said..?

As for me, I didn't even read that PJ'S post, well now I have but I don't think I would reply, why, I don't know... I don't think it would help. Sometimes is better to stay off if we want to help.

I didn't read all his posts but he seems like quite intelligent and thoughtful guy, and I can relate to some things he said. I rather believe with the death of our body our existence doesn't end, so even if he killed himself now, he will get there eventually :). And if he didn't end it now, he will die once anyway. We all will, only maybe a bit later. So what's the difference.


Well-known member
You’re entitled to your beliefs and actions but intended or not it doesn’t mean there’s no consequence. No, one is to blame but he was feeling like there was a lack of acknowledgement and response to ignore that when you are feeling that way is bound to make someone feel worse. It be like not giving someone a glass of water when they are thirsty.


Well-known member
Miss Kitty said:
It be like not giving someone a glass of water when they are thirsty.
Perfect analogy, my sweetie!

No one who truly wishes to die pays regard to those they leave behind; whether it be their family or people on a forum. Oftentimes the "note" is just a way of telling survivors a solid good bye. Those like Lea know this, and choose to turn their backs on pj because of it. That's their choice, whatever. But we shouldn't forget the fact that these idle threats can turn into the real deal, VERY EASILY. Then, there won't be any forum posts, or epitaph signatures. Why do those feelings change, you ask? Because one, they continue to suffer with whatever it is hurting them, and two, they continually are presented with TURNED BACKS.

Rest assured, if someone is threatening suicide in your presence, 10 times out of 10 they just want assurance they have something worth the price of staying alive. If you don't give them that, for whatever reason you don't feel you can or should, you are telling them you don't care. It's that simple. So, if you do care, do everything you can to show them you do! No matter how much, or how long it takes!:) You'll realize how much your efforts are worth when everything gets okay again.;)

As I have ALWAYS said, if someone smells smoke, there is a fire kindling somewhere. It doesn't matter if that person is the ONLY one who smells it either. Fires are always sneaky like that when they start.

That means we should acknowledge their feelings about this "smoke" and help them figure out where their problem is, no matter if it's just them who believes it exists. And I promise you this, IF that smoke smeller IS just hallucinating, and there really is no fire anywhere--as you might be compelled to think since you smell nothing--you will know they've lost their damn mind by considering the many OTHER ways they have strayed from their normal character, beyond this smelling fantasy fires business.

I don't think you can argue with this logic.

Lea said:
Sometimes is better to stay off if we want to help.

I already said something before, but I'm gonna formally address this anyway: You might as well say "I don't give a chit", because that's exactly what you connotate when you say stuff like that! Tough love is nothing more than some lazy excuse for people to not care about those they're supposed to care about.

When she was 16, a person I know's father wanted to toss her out, giving her some of that tough love, because she was having problems in school & he was embarrassed by it. Happily, her mom came to her rescue before he could do it. But his actions showed he had no regard for her, or what issues she was dealing with in her life. Had he loved her, he would have embraced her and been there for her as long and as best he could, like anyone who actually loves someone would do.

Of course, pj is still alive right now, and reading all our posts maybe at this very minute! Just remember, us preventing his suicide isn't what he wants us to do. He wants us to TRY to prevent him from ending his life. That's ALL. And that's okay!:) We should never feel like it's wrong to ask those around us for more love.::eek::

Now, it's time for us to try helping pj with what's got him so up in arms. Am I right? Let's get to it.
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Well-known member
I never saw his thread otherwise i would have replied. :O Oh geeze, i really hope he is okay.


Well-known member
Of course, pj is still alive right now, and reading all our posts maybe at this very minute! Just remember, us preventing his suicide isn't what he wants us to do. He wants us to TRY to prevent him from ending his life. That's ALL. And that's okay!:) We should never feel like it's wrong to ask those around us for more love.::eek::

Now, it's time for us to try helping pj with what's got him so up in arms. Am I right? Let's get to it.

I hope you're right and that it was just a cry for help, no one needs to feel that bad, even if he was just looking for some positive attention from us we shouldn't dismiss that he is in a really bad place right now and needs help.


You know what, I am feeling like **** most of the time myself, and not rarely am so down that I contemplate suicide too. But I don't think anybody cares or would care, so I don't see the point even coming up with that on the forum. The human nature is to care predominantly of themselves. I really don't believe anybody would genuinaly care for me if I had problems, or at all.

Besides there are thousands of similary desperate people. Some of them cry for attention, some suffer in silence. It's everybody's choice. I myself don't feel so special to ask for extra attention because I know I am not the only one who suffers, besides I don't think this is the solution, if you don't work on yourself. Simply put, I think if I don't help myself and don't do the work, noone can do it for me. People can shower you with sympathy if you ask for it, but that's all.


Well-known member
Sorry I can't see what's that bad with what Chained said..?

As for me, I didn't even read that PJ'S post, well now I have but I don't think I would reply, why, I don't know... I don't think it would help. Sometimes is better to stay off if we want to help.

I didn't read all his posts but he seems like quite intelligent and thoughtful guy, and I can relate to some things he said. I rather believe with the death of our body our existence doesn't end, so even if he killed himself now, he will get there eventually :). And if he didn't end it now, he will die once anyway. We all will, only maybe a bit later. So what's the difference.

I never said there was one thing wrong with what she had posted. I was in agreement with her feelings but that doesn't mean it was right to keep arguing and name calling. I just mentioned the fact that if he had indeed left the forum for a bit and he came back to find all this arguing, it could possibly make him feel worse. Nothing I mentioned should have been taken the wrong way or that I was scolding any one person more.


Lets try and keep it civil guys,it would be a shame if I had to lock this,lets just keep this thread as place for people to show their support if they want to.


Well-known member
Lea said:
Simply put, I think if I don't help myself and don't do the work, no one can do it for me. People can shower you with sympathy if you ask for it, but that's all.

I agree with that one.:) All I am saying is sometimes it's nice to have a little shower from time to time. You know? I mean, do you really think footballers need Cheerleaders to play their games? Of course not. But it's nice to have someone rooting for you to succeed, isn't it? That's the way we can help here. Just minus the uniforms.;) heh.

No, I MIGHT be able to master this life thing someday. But not without them that love & encourage me. I'd die if I didn't believe someone honestly loved me.

Lea said:
I really don't believe anybody would genuinely care for me if I had problems, or at all.

Now I know why you said what you did. I'm sorry you feel that way, Lea. I am familiar with Hobbesian theory as much as the next Political scientist. But there's one variable Mr. Hobbes forgot to factor into his state of nature equation... a parent's love.

Parents, particularly mums, will give their lives without question for their child to live. How much more do you think they will care for them as they live? A mother's love is where any & all genuine care for our fellow man originates.
I would say something to the original poster of this thread, but I don't want to be banned. I barely got any of that concern when... forget it.


Well-known member
For all you concerned people, PJS's last activity was approximately around seven thirty last night. For all we know, he's probably reading these posts without having signed on. He might be alright after all.

good hope your reading all this stuff pj .... we all care about you ... and we all get down sometimes ... come back mate :)


Well-known member
I would say something to the original poster of this thread, but I don't want to be banned. I barely got any of that concern when... forget it.

i think we all care about eachother on spw , if i knew you were feeling bad iv had said something lol but i never knew sorry ...


Well-known member
I would say something to the original poster of this thread, but I don't want to be banned. I barely got any of that concern when... forget it.

Obviously some of us are feeling a bit left out, which is saddening. Know that if you ever really need to talk there are many people on here that would gladly lend a helping hand or an ear to listen to you. I agree that everyone on here probably does care for one another, since we understand what you're going through. Maybe we just don't say it enough.


Well-known member
Sera said:
For all you concerned people, PJS's last activity was approximately around seven thirty last night. For all we know, he's probably reading these posts without having signed on. He might be alright after all.
You know, this being a VB, I believe it's possible to scan for previously logged IPs he's registered through, and tell if he's here right now. Just check the "who's online" page for guest IPs and compare. Isn't it nice to have such capability? I think I want be an SPW admin! Can I? I could be of considerable service.:)

Here is a school message board I built for one of my graphics design classes. It is not active, but you can view the site all you like.

Boomerooski® Boards

It has an arcade, a roleplaying game, a fully-styled Yahoo IM based shoutbox, and I made the skin too. I'd be willing to set some of that stuff up here, and every site could use a few more styles.:)

Krista said:
Obviously some of us are feeling a bit left out, which is saddening.

That's not surprising.::eek:: It's interesting, really. This is a place where people with little to no social capabilities can come to learn about their problem. But really, those who hang here are in fact socializing; no different than people at a night club or frat party. What sets the World apart from those places is we are linked by social phobia. They are by their love of beer or puking.

Whatever the case, the rules of a typical social grouping apply to spworld the same as they would for any other gathering spot. So, feeling left out is going to happen from time to time.::(: I hate it. My fiance hates it. You guys hate it too. We all hate feeling like we not are accepted and appreciated by our fellows; even when our fellows think we are being. And this is precisely one of those times when it's up to the group to recognize one of our own, and remind him, though we miss his gaze here and there, he has never left the fold.