guys I'm real worried..

what happened to PJS???? he said good bye, I'll finally be free.. and in his signature it says : dec 1987 - jan 2010.. I'm freaking out!!!!!! ****ing god, ****ing everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-known member
Yeah, I noticed that as well::(: I sent him a pm and he hasn’t said anything he doesn’t have to but I hope things are all right.


Well-known member
Um, it is what you think it is but I'm not sure if it's for attention or not. I wrote him and he told me that he had no friends on here and it hurt his feelings that we all have SA but being here for him is like being out there where no one cares either. I told him that if he were to post that to everyone I'm sure we would all tell him differently but he said that he didn't want to bother now anyways...and he stopped writing me.


I check his profile and everything was deleted... hopefully its not what i think it is, and i hope he is fine.


Well-known member
I know :( That's why I had PMed him in the first place. To tell him that wasn't how we felt about him and the we did care. He told me that I wouldn't understand because I was likable person and it wasn't hard for me to make friends on here but it was for him..which made me feel worse.

Yeah, we aren't trained professionals you showed you cared something’s are out of our control but hopefully he gets the help he needs but in no way it's yours or anyones fault you extended your heart like you always do when it was really needed.

I know nothing that gets said here could make anyone feel better about this situation::(:
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Well-known member
I have a feeling he is just taking a break and needed to get away but I saw his thread and I'm not scared to admit he was talking about he's worse off than everyone so I was like eh whatever. I truly hope he's okay though, I didn't know he was thinking all that.


Well-known member
Everyones emotions are high right now. But fighting doesn't help, just drop it. Hope for the best and move on.


Well-known member
WTF, some some of his posts were self-explanatory... I hope he didn't really try to do what he had in mind, hopefully he won't find the courage and he'll come back. I'd have several things to tell him about his problems... I'll post a link to this discussion in his thread, so that if he comes back for a second to check his discussions, he'll see this and realize some people were actually worried...


WTF, some some of his posts were self-explanatory... I hope he didn't really try to do what he had in mind, hopefully he won't find the courage and he'll come back. I'd have several things to tell him about his problems... I'll post a link to this discussion in his thread, so that if he comes back for a second to check his discussions, he'll see this and realize some people were actually worried...

you SIR, have just got me out of a bad mood:)


Well-known member
I hope he is ok, it's horrible to know that he feels lonely enough to even contemplate doing something silly. If he comes back i hope this thread makes him feel less alone.

PJS if you read this and you need someone to talk to you can pm me if you want.