got sense?

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
i feel like i have no common sense. i'm good at the academic stuff, but im useless when it comes to the real world. i feel stupid and very confused 90% of the time. this adds to the anxiety thing, because a lot of times i dont understand what people around me are saying, what a mess! do you guys have common sense?


Well-known member
i feel like i have no common sense. i'm good at the academic stuff, but im useless when it comes to the real world. i feel stupid and very confused 90% of the time. this adds to the anxiety thing, because a lot of times i dont understand what people around me are saying, what a mess! do you guys have common sense?

i feel the same i'm always in my own little world most of the time when someone is talking to me i don't pick up on what what they are saying. I feel stupid in that way

johnny 85

Well-known member
i feel like i have no common sense. i'm good at the academic stuff, but im useless when it comes to the real world. i feel stupid and very confused 90% of the time. this adds to the anxiety thing, because a lot of times i dont understand what people around me are saying, what a mess! do you guys have common sense?

i know exactly how ya feel, its extremely frustrating to say the least. i hate having conversations because i usually dont be listening to what there sayin and then i comes out with sumthing that does nt make sense, i kinda talk before i think, then i start to feel more overwhelmed and anxious. i think maybe its the anxiety causing it.
Nope, I've never had common sense - look at my clock. :)

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
i feel the same i'm always in my own little world most of the time when someone is talking to me i don't pick up on what what they are saying. I feel stupid in that way

exactly! im always in my own little world too. i automatically tune people out, so it takes alot to get my attention. i always have to ask people to repeat themselves

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
i know exactly how ya feel, its extremely frustrating to say the least. i hate having conversations because i usually dont be listening to what there sayin and then i comes out with sumthing that does nt make sense, i kinda talk before i think, then i start to feel more overwhelmed and anxious. i think maybe its the anxiety causing it.

i do that too. i also immediately forget what they've said, think of a question, but dont ask it cause they could have very well have just answered it in the previous two seconds. or worse of all, nodding while someone was speaking and realizing later you've accidently agreed to do something!


Well-known member
Hm, yes I have this problem a lot of the time. Most likely a result of poor social skills, rather than common sense. (Unless basic human interaction should be regarded as 'common sense'... which it probably is. 'Social sense' could work as a less generalized term - But you know what? Never mind).
Sometimes it's hard for me to understand what people are talking about, particularly in a group conversation. It's like everyone's in on a joke that I'm just not getting (sometimes quite literally). I get left thinking "seriously, what the HELL are these guys talking about?" I know I don't actively seek any inside knowledge that is amongst my friends... but can't we just have a normal, straightforward conversation that poor little me - with my pitiful conversational skills - can understand?
Buy hey, I figure if I just laugh when they do and try to look interested, then they'll like me. And it works. Most of the time.


Well-known member
i feel like i have no common sense. i'm good at the academic stuff, but im useless when it comes to the real world. i feel stupid and very confused 90% of the time. this adds to the anxiety thing, because a lot of times i dont understand what people around me are saying, what a mess! do you guys have common sense?

Ah, am useless at even the academic stuff with having a few years out of school because of anxiety problems.
And this (having a few years out of school) i believe is the reason why i feel stupid all the time - I feel i missed out on some important years of growing up (stuck at home for years) so i still feel like i have the common sense of a 13 year old.

P.S You've always seemed like you have common sense to me when seeing your posts around. :)
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Well-known member
I have a hard time knowing if someone's kidding or not. Should I laugh? Would it offend them? If I don't laugh I look like an idiot...if I do laugh I look like an idiot. Ahh!! Were they kidding or serious. This makes me anxious..


Active member
I totaly identify. I always did well in school but when it comes to practical everyday problems I am completely incompitent. I know people at my job must think I am retarted because I am always asking them to repeat what they just said. I am always making little mistakes because I'm not focused on what I'm doing. I am a social and physical klutz. I have always been accident prone even as a child.
I have almost no common sense. When I was little, family members would always joke about how I got all the book smarts, and my sister got all the common sense.

I think a big part of my anxiety is fear that people will find out that I don't know something that just naturally comes to everyone else, or that they learned at a young age that I didn't. It's bad enough that family members laugh at me about this stuff, I couldn't handle casual acquaintances or strangers knowing too.


Well-known member
I guess I am the opposite... I do have allot of understanding how things work around me. Whether it is a trade skill, sport or whatnot... Academics are indeed allot of work for me, but so far I have been maintaining a 4.0 average in college and was just invited to join Phi Theta Kappa at college.... (TOOT TOOT! that's me blowing my own horn! haha!) :rolleyes:


Well-known member
i have common scence but academic wise nothing , in the real world im ok but far from happy , all my life iv done brain dead jobs , building sites , factorys , then worked for a removal company , then i thought oh i can do this on my own then started up my own buisness , yea made loads , then my father got ill so i chucked it all in to look after him , now im back to working for someone else again , when i was skint i wasnt happy , now im ok money wise im still not happy , and if lots of people are around me talking i feel intimidated , so i lose what the hell there talking about , just feel dunno , on my own , god i hate having sa


Well-known member
I know exactly what you mean, and feel the same way.
My best friend told me I'm the dumbest smart person she's ever known. :confused:
I hate how this works: confident people can go around with a lack of common sense and simply laugh it off if they make a mistake, and no one cares. But when one of us does it, we look like these clumsy IDIOTS! (Well I shouldn't speak for all of you, though I'm sure most will agree). I think we just analyze ourselves to a greater degree than most people, which makes us ten times more self conscious of our flaws/mistakes. In fact, our anxiety about it may even make it worse!
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Well-known member
I was one of the lucky ones with both common sense and book smarts. Of course my attitude changed when I got tired of school, so I stopped applying myself as much as I used to.

I still enjoy learning, but if classroom learning was a person I'd make sure it was quite dead. And nowadays I usually have some kind of music playing in my head all the time. So I tend to not notice/hear things like I used to. Perhaps that's a consequence of years of isolation?