i never saw it, but "synecdoche, new york"?
"what dreams may come"? (1998)
Castaway? (2000)
No, and no.
"synecdoche, new york"? (2008)
No, and not your right one, either."my left foot"?
This one's all American.
New York City locations and haunting electronic music lend atmosphere to this story of a lost love and the ends to which a man will go to get it back.
gray- i'll have to keep looking.
aaliyah- "left behind"?
It's a story particularly suited to this time of year, when the wind blows, and the sea flows . . .gray- i'll have to keep looking.
This movie where they're in California and these bright blue lights come out of the sky and keep sucking up people and then a big monster attacks the rest of the people still living.
New York City locations and haunting electronic music lend atmosphere to this story of a lost love and the ends to which a man will go to get it back
Yes! :thumbup:Portrait of Jennie?
kihira- i... i hate you... i waited a month for you to solve this before wracking my brain for the last few weeks, then you step in and get it with one guess. you've just become my nemesis. (mostly kidding.) oh, and is your movie "paul"?
This movie where they're in California and these bright blue lights come out of the sky and keep sucking up the "good" people and then a big monster attacks the rest of the people still living and weren't good enough to make it into the blue light.