Getting hard to push through


Well-known member
Recently I have decided to quit smoking, I'm going on day 4 with only the inhaler to help aid me. I'm starting to show a lot of signs of withdrawal to cigarettes. I feel depressed and anxious a lot because of this change. I'm going to go through this though. I hated smoking but it is definitely one of the hardest things I had to quit.


Well-known member
I hope you stick with it, I'm sure it will be hard (I hope I don't sound judgmental in a second here). Living with my dad (who smoked for many years and dips tobacco still), I can say you never want to reach the point where you cough during 80 percent of your day. He was told he has a hole in a lung, I can actually hear it whistle when he breathes.


Well-known member
That's got to be rough. I can't fathom... all I can offer is moral support. Stay strong, hold it out.


Well-known member
this is gonna sound cliché... but you really need to see your doctor and have him/her help you with the quitting process. I don't know what the success rate of ppl quitting smoking is, but 100% of the people I know who smoke, can't quit, and they always talk about how hard it is to do. so, yeah... if you're serious about this then you need all the help you can get. that includes medication.