getting dark sunglasses to help with social anxiety


I recently ordered some very dark sunglasses to help with my anxiety. eye contact is a big issue for me, alot of times i cant even look people in the eye.As soon as I make contact I get extremely nervous and frightful, maybe these glasses can help.


Well-known member
Hi Supertramp. I presume you are a fan of the band; a great band. Some people on here have used this technique and claimed it has helped them. I was just wondering do the sunglasses need to be very dark; would tinted glasses be less obvious and a more subtle camouflage? This technique may be a good stepping stone towards relaxed interaction and feeling better within yourself whilst in company.


Well-known member
I hope they help you. :) I think it will work, never tried it, but it seems logic itself. :)


i hope they do. @ alanj, i use this name becuase of 'alexander supertamp' a character int he book/movie into the wild.


Well-known member
not sure if its a good idea. I mean, it might be ok when your outside, but what happens when you're indoors. You might get so used to wearing sunglasses and it'll get too much of a 'safety blanket', and your social anxiety might get worse when you can't get away with wearing them.


Well-known member
^ yeh its one of my pet hates actually...soo many people do it :/ makes it really hard to communicate and read the other person

Yes We Can

Well-known member
Hi Supertramp. I presume you are a fan of the band; a great band. Some people on here have used this technique and claimed it has helped them. I was just wondering do the sunglasses need to be very dark; would tinted glasses be less obvious and a more subtle camouflage? This technique may be a good stepping stone towards relaxed interaction and feeling better within yourself whilst in company.

Great point, I definitely agree, and at the same time I know where the O.P. is coming from.

not sure if its a good idea. I mean, it might be ok when your outside, but what happens when you're indoors. You might get so used to wearing sunglasses and it'll get too much of a 'safety blanket', and your social anxiety might get worse when you can't get away with wearing them.

Very good advice, and I speak from experience when I say this. I used to do this a long time ago, and not only did my SA get worse, but so did my eyesight. To the O.P. please don't think that I'm making a judgment call, I'm not. I'm just concerned, and don't want this to happen to anyone else.


Well-known member
Yes, I agree it doesn't help you to face your fears so to speak, but rather mask them. The best way to deal with them is head on, while it's hard being socially awkward as it is, and it might even bring up some more uncomfortable things in the future wearing the glasses, IMO.


thank you all for your advice, i havent tried it yet. i just have such a horrible time as is, i thought maybe a change could help. what i wont do is use it all the time, ill switch it up and try socialising without it once in a while to see how im doing.

Yes We Can

Well-known member
I think that's a great idea, at least that way it will offer you a little more balance. good luck, I really hope it works out for you.


Well-known member
I have a really hard time making eye contact with people. So I just don't.

A lot of people I have talked to from anxiety sites wear sunglasses where ever they go, makes them feel more hidden.

But me personally, I could never wear sunglasses in public places (when not appropriate). I feel like it attracts a lot of attention to you, it makes me feel like all eyes are on me. A lot of people notice the person in sunglasses walking around the grocery store.

I would recommend not wearing sunglasses in public. It's only going to give you another crutch, something to hide behind. You are supposed to be working on beating this, not feeding it.


Well-known member
not sure if its a good idea. I mean, it might be ok when your outside, but what happens when you're indoors. You might get so used to wearing sunglasses and it'll get too much of a 'safety blanket', and your social anxiety might get worse when you can't get away with wearing them.

I totally agree with this what write Looking in105. Actually later next to my opinion can get your anxiety yet worse. I was trying by myself especially in summer because this is time what everyone wear sunglasses then isnt so weird in public even u can go in store with them in summer. What about winter yea on some hill when u go snowboarding or skying is ok. But believe me u will feel more unpleasantly because people will more pay u attention if u will walk around in them in time what almost no ones wear them on. I talk from my own experience i get later paranoia that people looked me even more. U can too start be on them later depending and if u will not have them start more panic.
I dont know how much u suffer with SA but propably a lot if u start thinking about sunglasses. Idea is good but not for long lasting. Wear them only if is necessary and summertime or a lot of snow that u can atleast reproaching that your eyes are very sensitive on light of snow;) SO it is..


Well-known member
I think there is no problem with it if it helps, and I have thought about doing the smae myself.

And I am fed up to the back teeth with people trying to read me, and then misintepreting my anxiety, calling me names, and making fun of it.

So you think it's rude to wear sun glasses whilst talking to people? Well it's even ruder to call people names, to judge them, to make fun of them, because they've read their anxiety and got it all wrong.

People who don't like talking to me with sunglasses? Get over yourselves and I probably wouldn't choose to talk to those people anyway.


Well-known member
i saw someone grocery shopping with dark sunglasses so it kinda makes you stand out more but if that person were to wear no sunglasses later i probably wouldn't regonize whoever it is lol.


Well-known member
not sure if its a good idea. I mean, it might be ok when your outside, but what happens when you're indoors. You might get so used to wearing sunglasses and it'll get too much of a 'safety blanket', and your social anxiety might get worse when you can't get away with wearing them.

That's right - wearing sunglasses is a "safety behaviour". Under Cognitive Behavioural Therapy it may appear helpful, but is actually a prison. Whenever something goes well then the success is ascribed to the safety behaviour. It is also another crutch that potentially triggers anxiety if it is removed.

This may appear helpful in the short term, but in the end it is not.


Well-known member
I think there is no problem with it if it helps, and I have thought about doing the smae myself.

And I am fed up to the back teeth with people trying to read me, and then misintepreting my anxiety, calling me names, and making fun of it.

So you think it's rude to wear sun glasses whilst talking to people? Well it's even ruder to call people names, to judge them, to make fun of them, because they've read their anxiety and got it all wrong.

People who don't like talking to me with sunglasses? Get over yourselves and I probably wouldn't choose to talk to those people anyway.

Wow, I have to say that's kind of rude to say.

I don't make fun of anyone. I don't tease anyone or read into anyone's actions. The majority of people in public don't sit there and point "OMG YOU'RE QUIET. HAHAHAH. LAME!"

But it makes me very, very, very, VERY uncomfortable when I am talking to someone who is wearing dark sunglasses. It is considered rude in our culture to wear sunglasses while talking to someone.

But you are saying you wouldn't want to talk to me, because I think it's a rude habit?

Get over YOURself.


Well-known member
Wow, I have to say that's kind of rude to say.

I don't make fun of anyone. I don't tease anyone or read into anyone's actions. The majority of people in public don't sit there and point "OMG YOU'RE QUIET. HAHAHAH. LAME!"

But it makes me very, very, very, VERY uncomfortable when I am talking to someone who is wearing dark sunglasses. It is considered rude in our culture to wear sunglasses while talking to someone.

But you are saying you wouldn't want to talk to me, because I think it's a rude habit?

Get over YOURself.

So you are suggesting people don't wear sunglasses because it makes you uncomfortable? This post is not about you and what makes you uncomfortable. This is about the original poster wondering if sunglasses might help with SA.

People in my culture have the right to wear sunglasses whenever and wherever they like. Some people may not like this, but it is really none of their business.

Good luck to you.
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