Gathering in Sydney


Active member
So shall we try this again??? All those who are interested in meeting up as a group in Sydney some time in Late April to early May pm me or leave a message here.

The 24th was yesterday and everyone seems to disappear when it comes close to meeting day. :mad:


Well-known member
Haha, I can imagine that getting people who are anywhere near as bad as me to meet up as a group would be like trying to get blood from a stone. But I have a meet for an unrelated thing at the end of the month which I'm totally freaking out about, I'd really like to "practice" with people from here if it's at all possible, because at least we might be as scared as each other.

Did anyone PM you?


Active member
So how does 2 weeks sound ?

Snowwolf suggested Bowling - that may be a good idea

Whos up for it? Any other suggestions ?
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Well-known member
Looks like we'll be doing it on the evening of 12th of May. Really! We can call it the Mid May Meet.

Bowling, or Forth's idea of laser skirmish sounds fun too. I guess we should give it a week to see what people would rather do.


Well-known member
Come on people, don't be scared, you can't be more scared than I! It looks like we'll be going bowling on the night, PM me or Forth if you feel up to it, we have 3 so far.


No thank you ! lol im happy to hear that finally a meet up did happen :) well done :)

Hi guys!!! I live in Sydney, Baulkham Hills. I'm 29 and have SA::(: Moved to Australia from Russia 1.5 year ago to confront my fears. I would like to attend in next meet up. It is still a bit hard to undersdand and speak English but if it is not a problem if a person ask you to say something twice (which could be a pretty gard for a man with SA) I would be happy to meet other sydney siders.