Gathering in Sydney

Lost Girl

Well-known member
I'm sorry, but I found this thread hilarious! :D A whole bunch of Social phobes trying to and failing to meet. It was so predictable that it was comical. I laughed hard. lol


The problem is that people want to get to know each other before they jump into a meetup, and it it's not easy to get everyone online at the same time. Personally, I would rather meet in person, (as I'm more anxious online and on the phone) but it seems a lot of users here are also on MSN.
I would be quite happy to meet as a small group unofficially, but I also wouldn't want anyone to feel left out because they couldn't make it.


Well-known member
Sorry if it's already been asked but is there gonna be a gathering in Sydney cause I would like to come along :)


Well-known member
I also live in Canberra, but come from Sydney originally. I grew up in North Sydney, but do not think that qualifies as the North Shore (or does it?). After that we moved to the northern beaches. My trips to Sydney overall have also been declining, although I was there earlier this month. It is good policy to accept whenever possible.
The Town Hall steps sound like a reasonable meeting-place, but you also need to nominate a time as well as a date.


Well-known member
I'm sorry, but I found this thread hilarious! :D A whole bunch of Social phobes trying to and failing to meet. It was so predictable that it was comical. I laughed hard. lol

That comment is completely unacceptable. You should think about what you write. Just for your information, just making the attempt has some merit.

By the way, I was once a (successful) suit salesman in David Jones at Market Street in the city, not far from Town Hall.

I wrote my post of today after having only read the first page, so I was not aware that it had fallen through. I have read only the first and last pages at the moment.

Someone needs to take the matter in hand. Perhaps the comment quoted above could be used for motivation. It does appear that there are a number of candidates. Possibly asking for preferred dates and times (a poll on the home page?) and then just announcing it would be best.


Well-known member
I also live in Canberra, but come from Sydney originally. I grew up in North Sydney, but do not think that qualifies as the North Shore (or does it?). After that we moved to the northern beaches. My trips to Sydney overall have also been declining, although I was there earlier this month. It is good policy to accept whenever possible.
The Town Hall steps sound like a reasonable meeting-place, but you also need to nominate a time as well as a date.

Yeah one of the members ys6 already talked to me about it. He/she's thinking about arranging a meeting in January. But ty for the suggestion :) Or maybe you should arrange one if you're keen and brave :)

And to answer your question lol I dunno :| Sorry.


Well-known member
Yeah one of the members ys6 already talked to me about it. He/she's thinking about arranging a meeting in January. But ty for the suggestion :) Or maybe you should arrange one if you're keen and brave :)

And to answer your question lol I dunno :| Sorry.

I have sent a message to ys6 to try to get some information. Messages may well be a better option than a thread. January sounds like a good idea.

Maybe I will try to arrange one if that does not work.


Well-known member
I have sent a message to ys6 to try to get some information. Messages may well be a better option than a thread. January sounds like a good idea.

Maybe I will try to arrange one if that does not work.

Cool. You can also talk to him directly if you see him come online at the chat bar at the bottom.


Well-known member
It's been a looooong time. How's everyone doing?

As the author of this thread, perhaps you should just set a time and meeting-place e.g. Town Hall and see who turns up. I tried to get a response from a few people (including yourself) via private messages. There were no replies, so that method obviously does not work.


Alright, how does late March or mid April sound? City ofcourse, but will plan location once we set a date and know who's coming.


How's 24th April? Day/night... suggestions... ? PM me your thoughts. Ugh, I am not the right person to organise!