Hi, MikeyC! Sorry I didn't see your reply and was offline so long this will seem like it's a century late.
Yes, Human Sexuality is a course you can take--but not everywhere, unfortunately! I think the last time it was taught in the very liberal college town I live in was in 1995--so . . . that speaks volumes, I'd say. Very sad. I have decided that except in pockets here and there in the US, we are "sex ed" (just the basics of anatomy and physiology, in relation to sexuality--not the politics of relationships and issues) deficient. You can't really expect people to learn all they need to in a few short lessons in elementary school, followed by a here-and-there approach in high school. That seems to have been the norm since at least the early 80s in the US, and if you went to school during the abstinence-only reign of a certain administration--or live in the so-called Bible Belt--well, then it might be even less substantial. Anyway, here's hoping there's more and more, and that it is taught in a meaningful, respectful, healthy manner.
And, thank you for your kind words about my relationship with my mother. It can be very challenging, for sure. It's tough to have seen your only parent depressed for much of her life, no matter what she was doing (working, volunteering, retired, etc.).
I am glad to have met people like you and singing-love!