Playing the first Bioshock for the first time :kiss:
It's almost great, almost as in it's suffering from the "middle portion" drag that affects a lot of games, I expect the conclusion will rectify that tho! The atmosphere, immersion, artistic value is amazing.
Those of you that played the series, did you like the first or second bioshock better? No spoilers, please.![]()
I've been playing a lot of GTA 5 since it came out. I loved San Andreas, hated GTA 4, and I have to say.. Rockstar really redeemed itself.
I never even finished GTA 4 because it was boring, tedious and claustrophobic. GTA 5 on the other hand, is the good 'ol sandbox playground that we knew and loved from San Andreas. From exploration, to useless (but fun) sub-features on vehicles, to the stunning graphics for a sandbox game, it all delivers as advertised.
Besides somewhat easily overlooked mission markers, I can't find much wrong with it. Can't wait for the online feature to go live.
I've beaten GTA 5. Good game overall, felt kinda short in comparison to other games in the series, but that could just be me. Still playing animal crossing new leaf as well. The one game I'm really looking forward to that hasn't come out yet is the next walking dead game by telltales.
Pokémon X' and 'Y' of course! 11 hours non stop and too addictive!
Ah, I played The Simpsons arcade game with a friend! And the original arcade Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game! Still very fun games! TMNT Arcade is how a TMNT game should be, none of that Out of Shadows shenanigans with hyper realistic creepy turtlemen...
Omg, I'm a huge ninja turtles dork. There's a new ninja turtle game available for pre order at the place near me.
Have you seen the new ninja turtle show on nickelodeon? It's all CGI, which I usually hate but it's cool anyway.
Got this for Wii, but I haven't played it yet. However, from what I saw and I've been told, it's a MUCH better game than the trainwreck "Out of Shadows" was. It does look good, kinda reminded me of TMNT for Wii, the one that was a tie-in for the 2007 movie. It was pretty fun.
But I still love to play Turtles in Time and TMNTII: The Arcade Game the best.
Sorry for late replying! Well, I saw the new CGI cartoon, I like it throws PLENTY of throwbacks to the original 80s turtles, which I grew with. I noticed how the previous 2003 movies tried to be as close as Mirrage comics turtles as possible under the FCC and 4kids rules, and it was pretty cool. I like that this new CGI cartoon successfully manages to balance both (still regret there's no Bebop and Rocksteady though), but I wish they went with 2D this time. The CGI is good, but I can't help it feel it's kind-of a step down comapared to the 2007 TMNT film CGI (which I also liked!) but I still can appreciate and love the show.
Turtle power!