Game: this or that?


Well-known member
Muppet BABIES! Ooooh coochy coochy coo - you're so cute yes you are yes you are. I love babies - other people's of course.

The Beetles or Rolling Stones ?


Well-known member
Rolling stones! Much cooler!

Scary Rollercoaster or those teacup ride things that spin around?


Well-known member
Scary rollercoaster - in themi just sit there and just let go - it is a weird but nice sensation.

If you were going to lower yourself to a goldigger who would you marry,
Donald Trump or Rupert Murdoch ? But of course you could claim it is for *cough* love :lol:


Well-known member
Trump, for that fascinating wig he has going on! id stroke it like a pet, and tell him how much I love him! mmmmmm!

You spill Red wine all over a friends white carpet whilst house-sitting!
Cover it up-say with a chair/rug (lets say,in this e.g u can get away with this!) or Own up??


Well-known member
Interesting scenario there - it would be a matter of having my morals prevail over my SP - could they ? Well actually no my sp would win - wait for it - therefore compelling me to tell them. I would get all paranoid about the thought of them finding it later on sometime - and then suspecting me, leading them to think badly of me for being a sly dishonest sneak - oh that's sad.

From a bf / gf - A big bunch of roses or A big box of chocolates.


Well-known member
chocolates mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yummy, coz u can share them with ur bf/gf!

Sigourney Weaver (Aliens period) Vs Uma Thurman (kill bill era!)


Well-known member
Sigourney Weaver and ALIENS PERIOD! If she can take on the fricken Alien and win time and again there's no beating the woman.

To be able to read people's minds or to have 20 times your own strength ?


Well-known member
O man, i think i already can read minds! I'm pretty good at figuring out ppl's minds, which can somtimes be a hinderance :( however, id love to have 20 times my strength! no one would mess with the Bex then!! woohoo :)

Superman or Batman OR Spiderman? (breaking the rules a tad there oops!)


Well-known member
Superman - he's the only real superhero out of the lot - i mean the man can fly for goodness sakes.

Great couples: Miss Piggy and Kermit the frog or Mickey and Minnie ?


Well-known member
Mickey and Minnie! o wow, i love minnie!!!

More repulsive- Snot or ear wax? ewwwww (Excuse my lack of maturity!)


Well-known member
I read somewhere - i think - that snot is made up of the same basic compounds as candy / lollies, which is why kids like to eat it - just some uselss trivia. Despite that i would have to say snot - it is all gooey and gross.

Card games : Snap or Go Fish ?


Well-known member
The beast - so much more complex and interseting - oh and to get past that gruff exterior to that gentle heart, what a challenge, what an awakening, what a privelige.

To have the skills of a carpenter or a mechanic ?


Well-known member
A BRICKIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hehe carpenter tho, out of those two

Proscastination or Impulsiveness?


Well-known member
I procrastinate too too too much already so i'll try impulsiveness and see where that gets me - it would be good for me to be impulsive and spontaneous.

From the Lord of the Rings : Legolas or Aragorn ?


Well-known member
Oh that's right you guys get those shows. I will have to say Neighbours - i know they are both soaps but Home and Away is just toooooooo soap popery.

To get sunburnt or have a rash ?


Well-known member
I'd rather have a rash, i don't burn but it looks damn painful ouch!

Tigers or Lions?


Well-known member
They both freak me out but lions even more - so i'll go with the stripey tiger - ooooh purtey stwipes.
Having hot candle wax dripped on you or having the hairs on your arms burnt off by a lighter ( no skin just hair ) ??


Well-known member
I don't like the smell of burnt hair - so the candle wax - i like peeling it off after it has dried.

To encounter a Veloceraptor or T-Rex ?