Game: this or that?


Well-known member
Taco - I like the tacobell dog - but not in my tacos of course - And if McShy says anything different he's LYING LYING I TELL YA!

Brown eyes or blue eyes?


Well-known member
I have blue eyes too!
And i love your avatar - cute :wink:
I will say vodka - the sheer smell of beer makes me sick.

If you had to join one : Army or Navy ?


Well-known member
Airforce. but to answer the question. I'll say... Navy.. Prefer water to mud.

1 full week in a club med or 1 full week with your backpack in Ireland?

it's a photo of a cat that look pretty much like mine..
I had to leave him at my parent's house.. far from here.. His name's Gus..


Well-known member
Gus - i like it. It's a shame you had to leave him behind.

Some prankster wizard gives you a choice of the following - purely for his enjoyment : To make you lay an egg 8O - don't ask me to explain the mechanics of it, it's magic OR to stretch out your nose ala Pinochio ?


Well-known member
Oh - i have a basic french vocabulary book here - so here goes the wizard wants 'vous poser l'oeuf ' which is suppossed to mean - you to lay an egg ?? Like a chicken or bird.


Well-known member
ok.. to lay an egg.. when an egg comes out of your ass.. :? haha.. Pondre un oeuf
i'd prefer to lay an egg especially if it is made of gold...

If you had to move out (have your house somewhere else??!!), where would want to go : Montreal or Toronto??


Well-known member
Well i knew it wouldn't be right but i got you to understand so that's pretty good.

Well i'd have to say Toronto because i already have a friend there - i think :lol:

The original CSI or CSI Miami ?


Well-known member
oooh that's a tough one -- nerds cause less anxiety for me but when jocks are your friend I consider it a great asset even if they're assholes ( :roll: ) so I'm going to have to go with jocks

work or school?


Well-known member
Paul! NErds rule the world! tut tut! hehe

I'd say Work, coz u can pick somthing you enjoy, rather than being limited like at school

Ability to Fly or Be able to have X Ray vision??


Well-known member
X-Ray vision would be more fun but to fly OH LORD! To be able to fly.

Green apples or Red apples ?


Well-known member
ICE CREAM we scream we all scream for ice cream - Aaaahhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!

Doughnuts or chocolate eclairs ?