Game: this or that?


Well-known member
Wombat of course, there nice and slow - they are my prey not the other way around.

Spa or Sauna?


Well-known member
Well you're slowly cooking yourself either way - how do i prefer to have my meat cooked steamed or boiled - Steamed, boiling just seems TOO canabalistic.

Green eggs or Ham ?


Well-known member
Ah you're killing me moog - I LOVE THEM BOTH! Oh who shall i prefer here - it seems almost blasphemous to pick one over the other. MONET - forgive me VAN GOGH :cry: But i just can't get past the cataract inspired images of Monet - waterlillies have never looked as good as they do through the clouded lens of Monsieur Monet.

To have the skills of a martial artist or a trained soldier ?


Well-known member
Ah i didn't see you slip in there before me taws - pardon me for treading on your toes - yeah you have a good point their with Van Gogh - oh starry starry night, you crazy SOB - no i will stick with Monet.

I'll answer your question then since you got in first - Paper, less toxic to the environment.

See my ? above.


Well-known member
Bluegrass - sexier - i don't like all that scoobedydoobedydoo dah of jazz

School subjects : History or English ?


Well-known member
Alice Cooper - i gained a new respect for him after i watched Wayne's World - such intelligence - such a gentleman - and that crazy dark eyeliner heavy veneer to boot.

Straight hair or Curly hair ?


Well-known member
Table tennis! Doesn't involve running all over the place and doesn't hurt if you get hit by the ball :D

Camping: Tent/Roughing it or Camper/Motorhome?


Well-known member
I couldn't possibly choose a man over a fellow sister - i don't care what she apparently let herself get talked into. So Eve.

Manicure or Pedicure ?