Game: this or that?


Well-known member
That question is dark, sick and twisted! I love it! However, I do not want to answer it hehe! The thought makes me abit ill 8O I think i would rather NOT eat someone, urgh yuk!

Go to Jail or Pass GO?


Well-known member
Well then you don't want to know what i would do then 8O

Pass Go - plus you get $200 to boot!

Would you rather have been a knight or a nobleman - way back when.


Well-known member
I want to be a knight that says Nee! Mostly, i want to be a monty pythonette :)

Life after death, or NOTHING?


Well-known member
"We are the keepers of the sacred words: Ni, Ping and Nee womm!" :lol:

I don't believe there is an after life - so there's only one thing for it - nothing.

To be an accomplished horse rider OR to be an expert dog trainer ?? :roll:


Well-known member
DOGS DOGS DOGS! i am dog mad! They are the best! However, to ride freely for hours on a horse, i would like too, but i would rather be a dog trainer for sure!

To be a tortured Genius, or a content no-one?


Well-known member
Oh man - i have a thing for being a genius - just imagine what you could be capable of - but contentment - i will have to opt for that, to be satisfied, to be still - bliss!

To have your appearance altered by: Shaving your head OR piercing your nose with one of those bull nose rings ?


Well-known member
to shave my head, because I already did last summer, well 5 months ago...

Where would you prefer to be?

In a national Celebration ( ie.: Fete du Québec) where there's 30 thousands people OR In a little village lost in the middle of the Arizona (desert in USA) where there's no more than 200 citizens?


Well-known member
Can i be in a village please? but change the location please? im not good in hot places! hehe

Archery or an AK-47?


Well-known member
National celebration - there is more anonymity in a larger crowd - you come under more scrutiny in a smaller place.

Museums OR Art Galleries ?


Well-known member
Sorry Bex - Archery, how so very Robin Hood.

Sleeping - you will die from lack of sleep before you will starve to death - it's all a matter of priorities.

McDonald's OR Hungry Jacks ?


Well-known member
No! Oh they must just be an Aussie thing - they are a fast food chain like McDonald's - a sort of B-Grade version.

This is a lesser of two evils question - they're both rampent - which ones have the less impact in the end - crooked cops :evil:

Patty OR Selma ?


Well-known member
lobster - Horatio always respects the lobsters, even if they are land lubbers

Hitler or Napoleon?


Well-known member
Patty and Selma from The Simpsons man - i was going to put a little footnote in there - but i just assumed that everyone is just as obsessed with the Simpson's as i am - never assume anything.

Shampoo - i'd rather have clean hair than soft and dirty hair.

Sculpture OR Painting ?


Well-known member
Too much 'lung sex' :lol: :lol: :lol: You're a scream!!

By mail - could never bring myself to pay anything over the net.

To be a trapeze artist OR a contortionist ?


Well-known member
blubs said:
trapeze artist
I already asked snap or poker....
I'm quite slow at this game :D

(And by the way, I feel very strongly that Tom Hanks should do more comedy.. Preferably romantic comedies. He's the best!!)

Star Wars or Harry Potter films?


Well-known member
taws said:
i am too but im high on speed right now so i have an advatage. and im kidding, i dont really have an advatage.

im running out of dumb things to ask... wait got one

energizer or duracell?

OOps, I was too slow.. Duracell, and now:

Star Wars or Harry Potter films?