Game: this or that?


Well-known member
First of all eeewww to both - and then Nicky, less trashy and not on that simpleton show 'acting' like a moron.

From the Wizard of Oz - Scarecrow or Lion ?


Well-known member
Vodka - never had it but i like to say it with a deep over exaggerated Russian accent.

Clowns or Mime artists ?


Well-known member
Couldn't handle too much tongue - to lose my memory for a month - that could only be a positive experience.

Martin Luther or Martin Luther King ?


Well-known member
I'd rather be here - i'm a chicken and that place sounds almost frightening.

Van Gogh's - Starry night or Sunflowers ?


Well-known member
You're a cheat - i can't talk though.
A picture of Starry Night - glorious.

To drive buses or trucks for a living ?


Well-known member
How creative are you! - i will go with the gold, at least then i could buy everyone around me a bit of happiness.

To have as an annoying habit - biting your fingernails or cracking your knuckles ?


Well-known member
Me too!

I've only seen the third one, so that director.

To be a contestant on - The Price is Right or Wheel of Fortune ?


Well-known member
Classical pianist - oh the sheer talent of it and to be responsible for so much beauty!!

To be able to make people laugh or to be able to give great advice ?


Well-known member
No toes - i could handle walking all weird or not at all, but no fingers NO WAY - too important, to useful.

Tomato soup or French Onion soup ?


Well-known member
:D I like big cheesy grins.

To watch a movie with subtitles or one spoken in shakespearean language ?


Well-known member
Shakespearean! As I am a fellow english person, and I talk like that anyway!

In sooth, I know not why I am so sad:
It wearies me; you say it wearies you;
But how I caught it, found it, or came by it,
What stuff 'tis made of, whereof it is born,
I am to learn;
And such a want-wit sadness makes of me,
That I have much ado to know myself.

To lie and get away with it, or to tell the truth and be true to urself?


Well-known member
I spy a lady fair after my own heart.

" Tis better to be vile than vile esteem'd,
When not to be receives reproach of being;
And the just pleasure lost, which is so deem'd
Not by our feeling, but by others' seeing:
For why should others' false adulterate eyes
Give salutation to my sportive blood?
Or onmy frailties why are frailer spies,
Which in their wills count bad what i think good?
No, i am that i am, and they that level
At my abuses reckon up their own:
I may be straight though they themselves be bevel;
By their rank thoughts, my deeds must not be shown;
Unless this general evil they maintain,
All men are bad and in their badness reign."

Overall i'd tell the truth - but i do lie when it is called for - eg" Do i look fat in this"

To live in a traditional African villiage for a month or with eskimoes for a month ?


Well-known member
oh eskimos, definately.

sorry I didn't think of a new alternative :lol:
I just answered because thats something I'd really like to do


Well-known member
I'm gonna be greedy and answer both.
Float like a butterfly - how graceful.

Audrey Hepburn - how elegant.

Frontflips or Backflips ?


Well-known member
Well i've always been safe and predictable and that really aint working out for me - so wreckless and exciting, it sounds sexy too.

Japanese anime movies or Disney animated movies ?