frequent urination on avert? Is it dangerous?


Well-known member
I'm averaging around 3 times urinating every 2 hours that's a lot and I constantly feel the urge to urinate. It doesn't mention this as a side but the complete opposite like difficulty urinating. I have weird sudden somewhat pains in my right kidney i'm not sure if it's the kidney. Are they drying out? I really want to stay on this nothing else works :(


Maybe worth asking your doctor and researching the side effects.Usually side effects tend to ware of the longer your on the medication.Sorry for getting graphic but going so much might dehydrate you a bit.The darker it get's the more dark it is the dehydrated you are.


Well-known member
I'm not sure if I'm drinking more water because I'm urinating more or if it's the opposite. I think I'm overdrinking since I drank around 3 litres of water in 8 hours. I'll try to experiment with drinking less and see what happens.


Yeah I'm not sure either,though it's worth keeping an eye on the color as that's the best indication of how hydrated you are.

Though If it hurts again,I would suggest getting a doctor out or going to hospital.I think just for peace of mind,and with our kidneys and liver it's better playing it safe.
Sounds like it might be kidney stones. My sister had it a few years back and I think she had the same symptoms.


Well-known member
You can't drink too much. Doctors even recommend at least 2 liters a day, also at night. People who had kidney stones before, should atleast drink 3 liter.


Well-known member
You sound like me..maybe you're pregnant? :D I'd ask your doctor about it, it could be serious.


Well-known member
In the least, maybe stop taking the Avert and see what happens. Better to sweat and be alive than the alternative.


Well-known member
thank you all. true sprawling, true. I think most of my problem lies in my extreme anxiety and ocd developed from my hh, when I take anti-anxiety pills, i feel my problems are much easier to try and face and live with, but 6 hrs later when the effects are gone im back to stressing. I need to find some antianxiety pills that last a long while, and I'll see my dr. on monday about the frequent urination problem. I really want this to work since with overall generalized sweating, there's nothing you can do except from the inside out. I'll ask if my body might get used to it, do some tests to see if there's underlying problem, etc.


Well-known member
i swear minus the anxiety and frequent urination, this drug would change my life...


Well-known member
Since I take pain meds for chronic pain Fibromyalgia I notice for them to be effective I must rotate What I take. You still might be able to take the Avert, just not daily. The weird thing with drugs is that reactions can occur one day and not another.

I get frequent urination sometimes where it's every 15 minutes and it goes on for many hours. Definitely sounds like a medication reaction. Make sure you talk with your doctor to confirm.


Well-known member
Before I started glycopyrrolate (Avert / Robinul brand name) my doctor told me that some patients have difficulty or pain urinating. I have not experienced this at all in over a month of usage. But I definitely urinate a lot since I drink water all day. But I did that also before starting this med.


Well-known member
Hey, check with your doctor, but it doesn't make sense to me that Avert would cause more frequent urination. It dries stuff up!

I'd ask your doctor for a blood glucose test too.