Found a job!


Well-known member
I saw an ad in the local listing paper for a position as a maid. I need money. I actually want to apply...or call and ask for work. The best thing about this is you are working alone usually and the money is pretty good, or as good as or better than working for retail or fast food. And it's a bit simple. You're pretty much doing something that you tend to do anyway.

Limited stress and a source of income. :)

Any thoughts?


Well-known member
I say apply for it:)! A job that is as free of problems like that is hard to come by. Go for it! I hope that you get it!


Well-known member
I think you should go for it too. It seems like a comfortable job comparing to others. Good luck :)


Well-known member
Maid sounds like a cool job. If you like cleaning that is. I say go all in for it!
Good luck, let us know the update if you did or not!


Well-known member
I'm not excited. I just sound like that and tend to type that way too. But it just seems a good idea and something to add tot he list of jobs that people with SA can do.