Food and Cooking


Active member
How many of you are into food and/or cooking? A long while ago I was talking with some people in the chatbox about food and one suggested making a thread for it. Recently I've started to get really excited about making food, and it feels good to be doing something other than staring at the laptop all day. And it's common knowledge (or if it isn't, it should be!) that eating better, along with exercise, is a good motivator and can help you feel better about yourself overall, even if you only change small things at first.

I learned a traditional apple pie recipe some months ago and have baked one each week since :D I know it's not the healthiest thing in the world, but it's a hell of a lot more rewarding to eat something you've created from scratch, as opposed to some processed crap you found in the supermarket aisle - which I've been doing for way too long.

I have cravings now just thinking about making breakfast tomorrow, lol ::eek::

Anyone got a good recipe they wanna share?


I think I would quite enjoy cooking and baking etc., if I had my own place. At home where I am now it´s suicidal and I am afraid to cook even the simplest thing.


Staff member
I love cooking! all sorts really, I'm pretty versatile as I worked as a chef for a while.


Well-known member
Cooking is awesome! I used to cook all the time and even had fantasies of becoming a chef or something of the sort...haha whatever. I totally sucked, but it was fun!

I basically started cooking because my diet was so strict and my parent's food was sooo boring. The only way that I could reasonably continue to eat with other people was if I took the cooking process into my own hands...
The real cooking gets done when my brother and I team up, creating an unstoppable cooking combo. Together, the kitchen quickly fills with odd spices, absurd recipes and delicious smells. Back in our heyday we made batches of cranberry habanero jelly, curries, paneer, custards, tortes, quiches and vegetable concoctions :)

yay cooking


Staff member
^ That's awesome, did you have a specialty or anything? lol

east asian cuisine mostly (I was a wok chef) but I do quite a few mediterranean dishes too :)

Oh and tonights dish is Thai red curry with King prawns (gaeng phed ghoong)
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Well-known member
I like to cook. It's sort of relaxing even at it's most hectic. I try to add my new ideas to anything I cook, even if they are just hotdogs. Since the weather has gotten cooler I have started making a big pot of soup every other Sunday. So far I have made a bean soup and a chicken soup. I've been looking around for ideas for my next but I am coming up short.


Staff member
I love soup too, I made a big pot of Cawl two days back which is a welsh soup made of lamb and leeks plus whatever veg you have mmmm

still some left :)

I love a bit of lamb cooked so much that its falling off the bone *droolz*


Well-known member
I love soup too, I made a big pot of Cawl two days back which is a welsh soup made of lamb and leeks plus whatever veg you have mmmm

still some left :)

I love a bit of lamb cooked so much that its falling off the bone *droolz*

Are you trying to make me hungry?...because it's working :D


Well-known member
I once thought about training to become a chef back in high school. After thinking about it though I realized i would not want to do it as a job. I'd rather do it as a relaxing activity.
How many of you are into food and/or cooking? A long while ago I was talking with some people in the chatbox about food and one suggested making a thread for it. Recently I've started to get really excited about making food, and it feels good to be doing something other than staring at the laptop all day. And it's common knowledge (or if it isn't, it should be!) that eating better, along with exercise, is a good motivator and can help you feel better about yourself overall, even if you only change small things at first.

I learned a traditional apple pie recipe some months ago and have baked one each week since :D I know it's not the healthiest thing in the world, but it's a hell of a lot more rewarding to eat something you've created from scratch, as opposed to some processed crap you found in the supermarket aisle - which I've been doing for way too long.

I have cravings now just thinking about making breakfast tomorrow, lol ::eek::

Anyone got a good recipe they wanna share?

Wow, I'm glad to hear that you like cooking. I like it too. Cooking is great! Recently I started with easy things like baking cakes, making sushi and making simple stir-fry dishes. I wouldn't say that I'm a good cook, but I really enjoy cooking. It's fun. You learn a lot from it, like doing things step by step and creating your own structure with it. I like to make everything. In the last summer holiday I had the obcession to make Indonesian dishes like: nasi kuning and pandan chiffon cake. I prefer to make asian dishes, cuz Asian food is so ****ing hot! I don't know if you're into asian food, but if you want to try to make asian dishes... well here's a link: Little House | Food & Photo Blog. Do you also have a good recipe for me?
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Staff member
Remus's Cawl (my own welsh lamb broth recipe)

Lamb shoulder,shank or rib (anything boney basically)
2 big leeks
6 shallots or one large onion
baby carrots whole
chesnut mushrooms
black pepper and salt to season


2/3 Pak choi*
3 slices of ginger root*
dash of light soy sauce*

get a big sauce pan!
fill with water add lamb and salt/pepper *dash of soy sauce
slow cook the lamb for two hours or until falling off the bone, *cook with ginger root slices for added flavour

after two hours you should have a tasty soup stock, strain and return stock to the pan, place lamb on a plate to cool, skim some of the fat off the stock.

add vegetables, slice the onions/shallots leeks and mushrooms, I leave baby carrots whole, *add pak choi whole leaves, add the meat off the cooled lamb, slow cook on low heat for 1/2 hour

tuck in!


Active member
Oh good thread! I love to cook and I have Food Network (US cooking cable channel) on all the time. Trying to make the perfect hot wings.
Remus that lamb recipe looks great!


Well-known member
Remus's Cawl (my own welsh lamb broth recipe)

Lamb shoulder,shank or rib (anything boney basically)
2 big leeks
6 shallots or one large onion
baby carrots whole
chesnut mushrooms
black pepper and salt to season


2/3 Pak choi*
3 slices of ginger root*
dash of light soy sauce*

get a big sauce pan!
fill with water add lamb and salt/pepper *dash of soy sauce
slow cook the lamb for two hours or until falling off the bone, *cook with ginger root slices for added flavour

after two hours you should have a tasty soup stock, strain and return stock to the pan, place lamb on a plate to cool, skim some of the fat off the stock.

add vegetables, slice the onions/shallots leeks and mushrooms, I leave baby carrots whole, *add pak choi whole leaves, add the meat off the cooled lamb, slow cook on low heat for 1/2 hour

tuck in!

That sounds good. I think I'll try that :D