First time user here


Well-known member
Hey guys this is my first post here and I thought that I'd just want to introduce myself.

I'm 16 years old and I've been suffering with this so called "Social Phobia" thing for basically all my life. Here's a little biography of my life with SA.

I always knew I was different from everyone else. In daycare all the other kids would be running about playing with one another. Me on the other used to sit a corner all by myself and play with my toys. It didn't bother be back then cause quite frankly I never saw nor did I feel the importance of playing with others. I was zoned out in my make believe world playing with action figures.Even if I wanted to play with other kids I just didn't know how to. I used to be afraid to approach the kids who'd be playing soccer, or hide and seek or whatever the case may be.

As I got older my social phobia kind of went away. I talked to people at school but I only talked to them and them alone. I never used to speak to teachers. I never asked questions and as rude as it may come off if they asked me a yes or no question it was always answered back with a headshake.

A few more years went by and I'm about 12 and surprise, I no longer have SA. Well I still had it but not as bad. I'm going places, in front of large crowds, hanging out all over the place. Crowded places somehow didn't scare me anymore. Meeting new people wasn't a nightmare.

But something happened along the way by the time I was 13 and I just used to stay inside all day and play video games or watch TV or surf the net. i didn't want to go outside anymore. Why? Cause some how crowds were scary again and meeting new people was a physically and mentally demanding task.

So here today at 16 I stand (or sit and type rather) a sufferer of Social Anxiety. I can't leave the house unless it's to go to school which btw I only have 1 best friend who I feel like a total extrovert around (but we only hang out in school) and about 5 other friends who I get along well with. I can't go into a store by myself without suffering a panic attack and even if I go with someone, I'd still get one. I can't even step outside in the street. But at least I'm glad to know I'm not the only one and I look forward to being a regular poster on this forum and sharing my thoughts, opinions and experiences with each and everyone of you.


Well-known member
Welcome my friend! You're young. And have access to vast information about this disorder. Not just these forums, but through here you can get so much. I wish I had such access and knowledge when I was 16 about SAD. So... you arent alone and can fight this now =)