Feeling Really Lonely and Sad...


Hello everybody everybody,

I'm really lonely. I don't have any real (offline) friends, I've never been in a relationship, I'm a virgin, most people I come in contact with treat me like **** and I'm really tired of it. Every time I hear of someone I know getting into a relationship or hanging out with people it reminds me of how absolutely pathetic my life is and lately I've seriously considered taking my own life. I'm just really tired feeling like this and knowing there's no hope for me. I'm virtually ignored by everyone that's physically around me except my family who I'm so tired of being around.

I'm so sick and tired of people telling me it'll get better and I'll get through this when I doesn't get better and I don't get through this. Every year I seem to get worse as far as social interactions go. I don't necessarily want to die, I just want this pain to end quickly and forever and the only way to do that is to kill myself.


Well-known member
I feel the same way about suicide, Cascadia. If you ever want to talk, I'm here.
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Well-known member
I'm so sick and tired of people telling me it'll get better and I'll get through this when I doesn't get better and I don't get through this. Every year I seem to get worse as far as social interactions go. I don't necessarily want to die, I just want this pain to end quickly and forever and the only way to do that is to kill myself.

i know exactly what that feels like!
if i hear 1 more person tell me it will get better!...grrr lol.


Well-known member
Okay, maybe it'll get worse and maybe you'll just get used to it and accept yourself as you are - or maybe you'll learn to make it different..

C'mon, guys, how old are you? I'm probably older than the lot of you. And it DID get better - teens were the worst, then University was great..

I did feel exactly like you when I was 16 or so - that nobody loves me or ever would, that I didn't have any real friends.. That all changed in about 3 years, it didn't change miraculously by itself, I had to work on it!! I read books that helped a lot and did exercises etc. If you read books I can recommend a bunch, there's a list on the forums already. You are totally right that things probably won't just magically change by themselves though.. there are soo many ways to make a change or make a difference though..

I'm stuck home again and sometimes it does look like it all sucks again, that changes from day to day though..

Fife_girl, don't you have a HOT date sometime in near future?? In Scotland??

Have you guys experimented with nutrition and exercise yet? Maybe you're just lacking magnesium and/or some other important vitamins/minerals, or have a food sensitivity, and how stupid would it be to end it all just because of a food sensitivity??


Well-known member
Don't worry cascadia you're not alone. I pretty much can relate to everything you said...


I eat healthy and I exercise. I feel like there is no book that's going to undo the way I've been feeling. The only option I feel like I have is either medication (which I can't get right now) or death.


I think you're focusing too much on what others have and what is expected of you to be successful in general.

You don't need to have friends per se, anyone that tells you otherwise doesn't understand how to be lonely. Of course having friends is nice but it's better to stumble upon 1 or 2 very good friends that many that seem to ignore you when they grow tired of you.

Can't help you on the relationship part, I haven't had that myself (I'm almost 24 now), but I remember when I focused way too much on it. I HAD to find someone and I HAD to fall in love in order to eh 'advance' in life. While it may be partly true, only you decide how to live and what living is like because everyone experiences it differently. There a lot of things society pushes people in and how to live is one of them but you don't have to in order to find happiness.

Having no friends and no relationship makes you feel lonely, very lonely in fact, I've been there, I still am partly. The thing is however that things don't change overnight (mostly), you have to keep hanging on and you'll come across some good things eventually (and be sure to look for it too rather than dwell in pity, I made that mistake too).

Also, keep exercising and eating healthy, even though you might be wondering why it's useful if nobody cares. It keeps you mentally and physically sharp and you'll feel better after a good workout.

If you're in a mental pit you can either dig deeper or look up, wonder how to get out, and start digging your way out, with the things you have at hand, if you keep going up you'll snap out of it eventually and you won't feel bad for yourself or lonely anymore. Even if you don't believe it, dig anyway and make yourself believe it (it's how I do it, everyone needs to find their own way, taking some hints & tricks here and there along the way)


Well-known member
Yeah same here. I always like to compare my social life with the ones my peers have. Do you have a religious group near your home?


Active member
Think of this as hitting rock bottom. Sure it can probably get worse, but you don't want it to. Start making little changes in your life. It's not going to change unless you make an effort to change.
I know it is SO much easier said than done.
I'm trying to do this too because right now, I have no friends and I'm back living with my parents after college. I don't like my life, I have nothing to be proud of. But I either want to be a happy person or at least have a reason for people to remember me when I'm gone.
Life is hard. There's no doubt about it.


Well-known member
Hello everybody everybody,

I'm really lonely. I don't have any real (offline) friends, I've never been in a relationship, I'm a virgin, most people I come in contact with treat me like **** and I'm really tired of it. Every time I hear of someone I know getting into a relationship or hanging out with people it reminds me of how absolutely pathetic my life is and lately I've seriously considered taking my own life. I'm just really tired feeling like this and knowing there's no hope for me. I'm virtually ignored by everyone that's physically around me except my family who I'm so tired of being around.

you're not alone there cascadia, i feel **** when i see people holding hands together. i shouldnt be envious but i am! it's funny how people might take something like that for granted.


Well I know how you feel, and I am pretty sure a lot of other users on this site can relate too. Social phobia just blows. And the thing is that it can trick you into thinking that you are the only one that feels the way you do. I dont know anyone in the real world who is as socially inept as I am, but I do know, that people, when it comes to the crunch care about other people. Just remember that even though you feel alone, you are not. There are more people out there than you realize who, even though they might not know you very well, still care about you and want you to be happy...and that is a mighty fine sentiment if you ask me.

Believe me...I am a testament to it. :) Dont give up.


Thank you all so much.*hugs everyone* Reading your posts really helped me. I'm still a little down but I'm better than I was. I do realize that I have to work at being more social if I want to have any friends or be in a relationship, but I was feeling so bad that I didn't see that, all I keep thinking about was how lonely I was.


Well-known member
just another lost soul chiming in

you aren't alone

well, you are. haha. but i am too.

and im only 20. wish i could have my life back.


Well-known member
Trust me on this... I know EXACTLY how you feel :'(
I've considered suicide a lot lately but I realize deep down that I want to live my life and become someone.
If you want to talk just message me :) I care.