Feeling discouraged now...

"Making the situation more difficult is that social anxiety does not come and go like some other physical and psychological problems. If you have social anxiety one day......you have it every day for the rest of your life....."

I just read this on a website... :( Not a happy camper! Is there anyone out there who knows how to mask it even?! Like what does CBT do for you exactly... since it doesnt cure you?? :(
CBT can help you to "manage" SA. I still remember the exact moment my psychologist told me that i would never be "cured" of SA, but could only hope to learn how to manage it.:eek:....I remember my heart sinking to the bottom of my feet!::(:


Well-known member
that's right.. but it's nothing to be upset about! all that quote means (as the others have said) is that you might always have the problem, you'll just have to learn how to deal with it and 'cope'.. that certainly doesn't mean you'll always be as miserable as you are now since you don't know yet how to control it on your own... it rains some days, and sometimes the sun is out, but we can't stop the rain, so we just learned to get our umbrellas and rain boots and deal with it.. there are tons of other analogies, this is just the first thing i thought of, and i know, i'm no good with analogies! haha :)


I just read this on a website... :( Not a happy camper! Is there anyone out there who knows how to mask it even?! Like what does CBT do for you exactly... since it doesnt cure you?? :(

I think it's supposed to say "...unless you seek treatment" in there somewhere. I've been doing CBT for about 8 weeks and just this week I've been having some significant change.


Well-known member
CBT isn't a cure necessarily. It's really the tools to help you overcome it or learn to work with it. As I said before, SA never really goes away. It's always going to be something in the back of your mind but you can get better from it and that's what it provides for you. Putting you on the right path to managing and maintaining.


what kind of change? :confused:

More confident in interactions with others and less fearful. Also I'm able to convince myself that when others seem to be aware of my presence and are looking at me it is not evidence that something is wrong with me which reinforces my beliefs that something is wrong with me.


You have to keep in mind that the quote is yet another person opinion. Don't take it too personal. My SA has improved since i was a kid; it comes with maturing and learning that certain things, when you tried; are not that scary.

Silvox Black

Well-known member
Ach...the issue is debatable. To be honest, in my opinion, it truly has a cure. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy can teach and train your mind to remove the thoughts and triggers that make you depressed and/or socially anxious. That seems like a cure to me. Though others would disagree.


Well-known member
I'm just starting CBT and have no idea if it's working but I'm going to give 100% into all of it. I haven't been feeling too anxious over the last couple of weeks though, just minor downs and I'm right back on my feet


Well-known member
Ach...the issue is debatable. To be honest, in my opinion, it truly has a cure. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy can teach and train your mind to remove the thoughts and triggers that make you depressed and/or socially anxious. That seems like a cure to me. Though others would disagree.

I agree that SA has a cure, and I'm pretty sure there are people out there that have been cured, I just don't know if it'll happen to me. I mean everyone couldn't possibly be the same, and what might happen or work for someone might not work for you.