Feel depressed on your birthday and about age?


Well-known member
I turn 25 today and depressed because of it. Up until 23 I was fine with birthdays even tho I never really enjoyed celebrating it but I was okay with a simple cake with the family but soon as I hit 24 the age itself I felt old even tho I'm young. also felt very more depressed because I should of accomplished so much more but sleeping problems, depressing, being unable to deal with people etc has held me back so much. Anyone get depressed on their birthday? or because of your age even tho still very young?


Well-known member
I see I'm not the only one. I hated celebrating birthdays even a child all my birthday pics I have the most pissed off look on face lol my family just gave up and stopped giving me parties after the 6th or 7th party. For me it was all the attention and focus on me which is what didn't like I hate been the center of attention even if it just for one day. But as I get older its different now its just so depressing especially with all the birthday texts from family members I just been ignoring my phone.


You want to know how I got these scars?
I used to think 20 was old when i was 15. then 30 was old when i was 20. then 40 was old when i turned 30...
But I noticed something happening as I got older too; I felt much more secure with my age the older I got. Perhaps its getting a bit wiser as you get older. And while I'm in no way calling the younger generation stupid etc, you do get wiser and make better decisions as you get older.
I remember when I was 20'ish, I thought I had a pretty good idea how the world worked.
But when you gain EXPERIENCE, seeing things happen over time which can only be attained through spending time on this earth - not through google or reading etc, you gain a better understanding about things.
I know there are some pretty stupid older people out there, no one's perfect.
But dont despair, its not all bad. :)


Well-known member
I didn't much care about birthdays at all until I turned 24. I feel like 24 is the tipping point between "early twenties" and "mid twenties". By mid twenties, you're supposed to have your life in order, or at least have an established plan to get your life in order. Every birthday since reminds me of how I'm so far behind where I should be. What should be the best years of my life are passing me by.:sad:
From reading this thread I should count myself lucky that I don't feel at all depressed when I get a year older.:idontknow:

Niceguy, 25 is still so young! you still have many, many years ahead to achieve what you want to!:thumbup:

Also, for some people when they reach middle age, they kind of realize that having a life that measures up to what family and society expects them to be doing is not as important as it was when they were younger.
For some people getting to middle age can help you get to a point where you realize that YOU being happy with your life actually gives you greater satisfaction, than whether you have achieved all that OTHERS have expected of you.:)


Well-known member
I turn 29 tomorrow (or today I guess, cause it's after midnight). I feel like I'm getting old. I guess no one in their 20s should really be saying that. I just feel old for where I'm at in life. I still live with my parents. I have a degree but no job. I've had only one boyfriend. I don't have a life. I feel completely lost. A lot of 20-year-olds have more life experience than I do. I just feel like I'm way behind most people my age. For the past month or so I've been thinking I don't want to be 29. I feel pathetic. I'd like to sort of get my life together so I can have some independence.

I never like to make a big deal of my birthday. It's another day. My brother and his fiancee came over for cake tonight and tomorrow my parents are heading out to the trailer. I'll probably enjoy spending the evening alone, to be honest.


Well-known member
Happiness is great, I have experienced that probably more in the last few years than since my childhood. As I get older there is a lot to be said for feeling a peace. Not the intensity of happiness or sadness, but somewhere in between, which is relaxed and at peace.
I never liked birthdays, I remember when it was my 12th birthday and there was a little party at home for me, it was 6 o'clock(party started at 6) and no one invited came yet, I started thinking no one will come.


Well-known member
I have to admit Christmas still feels special even when you're alone. I spent last Christmas alone and it was a happy time for me.


Well-known member
Re: Unhappy birthday

As well, my feelings towards my own birthday are entirely indifferent. Even since early childhood, they were never approached as something of importance. The anniversary of another 365 days since my birth has no impact on me, although the gravity of aging is hard to avoid.

Expectations and comparisons to others more successful is something I am guilty of, but I do not specify age within my jealous thoughts—more so, I just want to feel the happiness they feel and appreciate life for what it meant to be. If I knew what the future held, I may be able to tolerate more of the mundane events that occur in my life, than wishing I could be more like the people who seem happier than me.

When people vision birthdays, they see streamers, banners, cake, party hats, and our creepy uncle Chester who is giving everyone weird vibes and wishing they hadn't invited him. It's such a grand vision that naturally brings us all joy and when we see ourselves alone, eating microwavable foods on what was meant to be such a joyous day, we are compelled to develop the notion that we dislike birthdays. It just brings back that feeling of disappointment and forces us to face what we want but do not have.

I think birthdays can be great milestones of growth and a way to keep tabs on where you are in your life, which isn't such a bad thing really. I am doing way better this year than I was last year as far as my BDD is concerned. I can even maybe enjoy some cake!:perfect: Life is a journey. Try to have a more positive attitude about the future too. Don't dwell in the disappointing things. Attitude is everything.