Well-known member
Yesterday or the day before... maybe it was last week? I don't know... the days blend together when you never leave the house--
Anyway; one day recently when I went out with my mom to go to the library and pick out a book, I was waiting by the car for her to bring back the parking slip and a guy rode by on his bicycle.
I was hiding behind my sunglasses- trying not to look freaked out that he was staring.
He rode past and I stared at the ground until I heard a crash in the distance; looked up and he'd crashed into a fire hydrant and flew off his bike and onto the ground.
That's literally the 4th accident that I believe I directly caused in the past year.
Happens almost every time I leave the house and it's really embarrassing...
One day I'll end up indirectly murdering someone and I'll go to jail for it.
You must be a bit of a head-turner