Exiting comfort zone...


Well-known member
I've isolated myself for almost a year... I barely left the house but for about 3 to 5 times a month, and for no more than a few hours. I will start working sometime next week with orientation on Saturday from 8 AM - 2 PM.:eek:

While I was going through the hiring process, all I thought about was wanting to be at home. I felt sick when I did get home and all I can think about is work and how scared I am.

My work space will be nice, but will be busy at times. It's not pleasant at all. I'm pretty much freaked out about it and no one understands.

Hopefully, since it's part time, I'll have days where I can spend to myself. It's not my ideal choice of work and I really don't want to work there... I'm sad about this and I'm trying to find a bright side. Like money... Nice, nice money... But still :sad: , I will be around people...

(I'm an introvert with social anxiety and AVP-- just to explain...)


Well-known member
Congrats on getting a job! You should try to look on the bright side. You have a job and with money you can watch movies, hang out with friends, take vacation, save up for retirement, get health insurance, etc. Some people don't have a job but have student loans they need to pay off.


Well-known member
I hope you are able to have a decent time at work, Nicole. It'll be pushing all your boundaries, but it might be a good thing. :thumbup:


Well-known member
Well done on finding a job!
I'm an introvert as well and used to be plagued by avoidant behaviour. When applying to my job, I chose to be a cook opposed to customer service for this reason. Halfway through the interview, boss says I'd be on customer service and I'm like wtf?? (on the inside lol)
So didn't have a choice in the matter and absolutely scared shitless the first time I had to walk behind the counter and there was a massive line of customers, even though I was just watching someone else serve. Completely out of my depth.
I was shoved out of my comfort zone, but wasn't going to turn down a job after six months of depressed unemployment and was hence I somehow learnt to zone out and focus on my job instead of these 'watching' people.
A month on it's surprisingly of no issue and the biggest lesson is that comfort zones are expandable, even if it requires discomfort for a period of time.
What I can see as the "bright side" in your situation is firstly getting a job in such a tough market, and being able to push yourself to do this :) I am still scared of the thought of going to work, but once I get there I have been retraining myself the habit of acknowledging then forgetting anxiety, because it's only in my mind. See this job as the opportunity to expand your comfort zone, one baby step at a time. All the best :)


Well-known member
The benefits out weight a lot.

I almost had a panic attack at the orientation which didn't help at all...


Well-known member
Yay! Congrats! It will be nerve wracking at first but you will get used to it after a while and the nerves should fade a lot :)


Extremely sensitive area

I know I have to push boundaries in order to flourish in a way I never expected. I though a geek of maths, physics, electronics and industrial 'com-poo-tah..s' would set me up unquestionably

I need same salsa, ballroom skills... the other 50% of Commander James Bond to be able to woo with the wink of an eye. Intelligence is all I want & need in others.

Learning combat skills - a typical way to spread by abilities


Well-known member
Sudden changes are always very hard, but with time EVERYTHING becomes easier. Maybe you will someday actually enjoy being around others and out of the house, isn't that an exciting prospect?