Ever feel overly attached to your pets?

When I was 12 I had a kitten, I think it was probably the first thing I ever loved. One day it either ran away or my mom gave it away (who knows, I don't really trust anyone not even my parents honestly) and I cried for like 2 weeks straight. It was so bad that my mom took me to the emergency room and a doctor evaluated me and thought that I would hurt myself because I was in so much grief. And that's how I got my first stay in a children's mental hospital for 3 days.

so I guess its safe to say I was attached.


Well-known member
Aww that second pic of your rabbits looks really cute. :)
We used to have two cats. One got run over way back that one was my sisters and mine went missing 2 years ago :( He was called tango because he was ginger. :D

I love animals and i think most people have them is because they are living things but they wont judge you or be nasty like a human. Maybe when im older i'll get a dog. We arnt allowed one now because my dad says they stink out the house? :/


Active member
I love my dog(Layla) and rabbit(Bunbun) so much that if they died i think i would have a nervous breakdown.
So yeah, im defiantly too attached.
My baby Layla has spinal dysplasia and has to take regular medication, so its very disheartening to be so attached when she could go any time ,but...she does so many adorable things and is always so happy to see me how could i not be.


Well-known member
I feel that way about my cat. I even took her to a foreign country with me for two years rather than leave her behind with someone who wouldn't be able to take as good care of her as me. Also, sometimes she's the only thing that keeps me alive. Literally. I have thought about suicide so often, but have not made an attempt since getting her, again, out of concern for her. I sometimes worry what will hapen to me when she is gone. Will I have something else keeping me alive? Or, even better, but doubtful, will I want to be alive for me?


Well-known member
All of my pets are like children to me, no matter the size. I was completely devastated when I had to put down my 19 year old Russian Blue cat last summer for gastrointestinal lymphoma. I even went into depression for almost 2 weeks when I had to kill my old leopard gecko who was in really bad shape from impaction. So yeah, I'm really sensitive when it comes to animals.


Well-known member
I wish I had a pet bunny..... :(

Really...? :eek:
I refuse to ever go near another bunny after owning one a few years back that was pure evil. I swear that thing was a spawn of Satan...
A friend gave him to me. He was an albino, and he LOVED biting me. He drew quite a lot of blood at some points, which is why I named him Nosferatu. I ended up giving him back a few weeks later though. I just couldn't handle being afraid of losing my finger to that thing every single day. Evil little bastard...

But yeah, that was just my experience. I'm sure there are nicer little bunnies out there for you ::p: