euthanasia ?


Well-known member
right , wrong , i was reading this article in the paper today about it .. this bloke has cancer , there really is no hope for him now he wants to go to Switzerland were they can help him by injection meaning help him to die , now apparently you have to go in front of a board of diff people , just to make sure its what he really wants to do , to access him i soppose , now his family dont want him to do it , i think its up to him the poor blokes in a lot of pain and doesnt want to suffer anymore , i mean jesus its not the cancer that will kill him anyway long term its the morphine that will kill him , cos they pump so much of it into you it stops the heart , witch to me is a form of euthanasia anyway , so i say yea up to him , what do you lot think , its an terminal illness he has not a mental one that could be cured ....


Well-known member
I think it's up to him too. I don't believe in suicide...but if he doesn't go that way, he will probably find a more dangerous, painful, not so pretty way to do it.


in a VAN down by the RIVER
I don't think the government should ever intervene in matters like these. If this guy is mentally sound and facing a very bleak future, let him decide.

Let him bow-out gracefully as opposed to being dragged-along against his will.
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Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
If there's one thing in this world that really and truly belongs to you, it's you. Your life, your body. Everyone has the right to do with and to themselves as they please.


Well-known member
On the other hand though...I couldn't imagine being the nurse/doctor who aids someone in killing themselves.


Well-known member
I dont think it should be allowed. People of course have the right to kill themselves, if they wish, no one can do anything about that. But the problem is that if we allow it, there will be private clinincs who (which is already happening) making money on killling people. Imo it is just sick to make money on others sufferings. Also sick people can be very weak so when they say they want to die, can we be 100% sure, or will they also say yes, if they feel they are a burden for others.

Well-known member
It's a no brainer for me. It should be allowed. As long as it is monitored and regulated properly, so that the system is not abused then it should be legal everywhere.

I can understand what you mean about people making money out of killing people, but its not like murder, and at the end of the day they are providing a service.

People should be allowed to go out with some dignity, not wired up to drips and machines because some judge decides they have to ride it out.


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
But the problem is that if we allow it, there will be private clinincs who (which is already happening) making money on killling people. Imo it is just sick to make money on others sufferings.
This is a good point, but in the end it would likely be much the same as the vultures of the funeral industry emphasizing things like 'your loved one deserves the very best', or for that matter much of the corrupt medical industry.

I believe the solution is clear:



Well-known member
This is a good point, but in the end it would likely be much the same as the vultures of the funeral industry emphasizing things like 'your loved one deserves the very best', or for that matter much of the corrupt medical industry.

I believe the solution is clear:


This is of course also a big problem, but I dont think there is a need to make it easier for them to make money.

Well-known member
People make money out of other people dying every day, in many, many different ways.

If the euthanasia companies were going around knocking people off if "They look a bit ill" I'd be worried, but they're providing a service to someone who is at the very end, terminal and in pain. We can't expect them to do it for free, the drugs/staff etc all cost money.

In my opinion, I think all the arguments against are just outweighed simply by the level of suffering and pain endured by some people, and their right to choose for themselves.


I would definitely be allowed to choose a humane way out if I were to be in pain and suffering. It's bull**** that people think euthanasia should stay illegal. They just can't perceive that direction of thought I think. Like they don't understand or something. Who knows.



Well-known member
It's a no brainer for me. It should be allowed. As long as it is monitored and regulated properly, so that the system is not abused then it should be legal everywhere.

I can understand what you mean about people making money out of killing people, but its not like murder, and at the end of the day they are providing a service.

People should be allowed to go out with some dignity, not wired up to drips and machines because some judge decides they have to ride it out.

well i agree give that man a banana :D errr you do like bananas dont you ? or iv got some grapes in the fridge if you prefer ::p:


Well-known member
I don't know why euthanasia shouldn't be right.

Because for all you know, they might have been coerced by a family member to say they want to die, let's say this person's grandson, says to her, "Sorry grandma but you're really a burden to us, do the right thing for the family" grandma is guilt-tripped into dying, the grandson inherits her money. That's wrong. But things like that will happen.

I'm not saying euthanasia is right or wrong. It's an unsolvable problem.


Well-known member
Because for all you know, they might have been coerced by a family member to say they want to die, let's say this person's grandson, says to her, "Sorry grandma but you're really a burden to us, do the right thing for the family" grandma is guilt-tripped into dying, the grandson inherits her money. That's wrong. But things like that will happen.

I'm not saying euthanasia is right or wrong. It's an unsolvable problem.

i cant really see anyone saying that to there grandma mate jesus :rolleyes: but then having said that there are some money grabbing people in this world so hmmm maybe it might happen , who knows lol


Well-known member
Well that is the reason why it's illegal today in the UK. People would become pressurised to be euthanised, and some people would take advantage of that.
if he is in deep pain,and there is no hope for him.. then i dont see why not.. what the hell is the government opposing, there not the ones suffering.. if he wishes so.. it's like forbidding suicide..he would kill himself if he could, he is asking ppl do have mercy..


Well-known member
I don't think it's fair to make a human suffer & slowly languish away & die like that. If an animal is terminally ill, people "put it to sleep" so it won't have to slowly suffer. But if a human is in the same situation, they're expected to just linger on in agonizing pain. I think the guy should be able to have it done. I think it should be legal everywhere, truthfully because it's not fair to make people suffer in that way. At the same time, the people should always be assessed to make sure that their condition really is terminal & that they really are dying & nothing can be done to save them, as well as being psychologically tested to make sure the person isn't suicidal & doing it for that reason.


Well that is the reason why it's illegal today in the UK. People would become pressurised to be euthanised, and some people would take advantage of that.

Hm, I think there should be some strict rules about it and specialist asessment, no? To say that, even specialists can be corrupted, but what's not today.