Guess that would be OK but it all depends on the size of the rocks!
Ok let's only throw gravel to each other and keep our best rocks for the real enemy
The thing is, through feminism women have broken out of many of their stigmas but men's stigmas are still in place. A man still needs to "perform" to earn respect in the world and get a girl.
I agree, bro. A man should be allowed to make a crappy wage or have a crappy car (or just a bus ticket!) and still be desirable.
But when will this change happen? I'm getting quite impatient...
As you said it yourself, women broke out their stigmas. Only men can break out their own, men being "you"
But I would also like to add, everyone feels like they have to perform, it's the 21th century. But in the end you still do your own choices.
In America women are rising in social status while men are declining.
Since women have been at the bottom of the ladder since ever and they are just starting to rise up, it can hardly be otherwise. Are you saying women are stealing high status jobs that should come back to men?
Until society figures out what to do with men in the information age.
Women figured out what to do with themselves, your turn now. Society is either an abstract entity, which won't figure out shit, or it's the sum of all of us, which, surprise, includes you.
Back when very few women worked a guy could have a factory or mill job and still have status just for having any job. Those days are long gone...
There was also a time when a guy could enter a company without a college degree at a low level and rise up the ladder fairly easily thus gaining status. Those days are mostly gone.
You really think it's because women started working? This world is still ruled by men you know. Women can't get a job without a degree either, it's a gender-unrelated issue.
It's common knowledge now that more females are graduating from college than males.
The reason to this is, unlike men, who can still earn a lot of money without a college degree in "men" jobs like construction, women won't be able to make a living without a degree (unless they feel capable to stand the pressure of trying to make their way in a domain typically reserved to men). Therefor, if a woman don't go to school and don't have a man to support her while she is producing his offspring, she is screwed. Or a gypsy.
I think I may have gone off topic, but I think I really needed to respond to your post.