Dreams are usually very weird for me too, and sometimes depressing. I remember just last fall I had a very vivid dream, well I suppose you could call it a nightmare, where I witnessed my brother getting into a car accident and getting killed. (Like, I was in the car, but wasn't. Weird, I know.) It felt so real though, and the whole dream played out, funeral too. I felt so sick and freaked out the whole next day. I woke up so confused, thinking it had happened. I checked my phone seeing if I missed any calls, looking at text messages, I even texted my brother all day that day just to make sure he was safe. Man, it was awful.
I find that alot of my dreams are either slightly depressing or they turn to be very vivid nightmares that end up making me sick. I really don't know why.

It's very disturbing though.
I'm not even going to talk about the dream I recently had over the weekend. I'm still trying to put that one together.

It was happy, yet, not happy. Not sure how to describe it emotionally, but I woke up pretty worried.