Don't you just hate it when you're asked to do something and you're being watched?


Well-known member
This is a recurring thing to me. I will admit that I don't get asked to do much around the house, but I am 18 and lazy and just don't like doing those things. Can't expect me not to jump at the offer, you know? Anyway, my mom asks me to do something and sure, I'll do it. But I cannot do it if she's watching me. I feel like I'm being judged. Constantly. Especially because while I'm working she keeps making comments. Drives me mad!! :mad:

If she wants me to do something then she should leave the room and leave me be to just do it, because then I will do it. When someone is slinking around observing it takes me forever because I keep stalling. I don't understand why she still doesn't get it. I even tell her I hate people watching me but she doesn't care. It annoys me to no end. Makes me want to rip my eyes out with a pitchfork and then eat them. :cool:

I function much better when it's just simply

Mom: Can you put the dishes away please?
Me: *says nothing but does what is asked*
Mom: *leaves and never brings it up again*

I'm weird like that. I cannot stand when she asks me numerous times to do something. I cannot stand when she sticks around to watch and for some wild reason in the end, a lot of the time, I cannot stand her THANKING me. I mean isn't that crazy? Of course I want to be thanked, because I did just something! :eek:

But for some sick reason a lot of the times I find myself almost angry and annoyed at her thank yous. It's like...well, I have no idea what. It's like first of all, I'd prefer you just leave me alone, secondly you're so welcome for me doing something I really did not want to do (sarcasm, yikes) and thirdly, I'm sure she expects some "you're welcome" back and I just don't want to say it. I'm still an angry teenager or something!!

GUH. I don't know what's wrong with me. I'm just venting here I guess. Don't mind me. Sorry.


Well-known member
Yeah I can't stand being watched either. I always feel like I'm being silently criticized by how I'm doing something. Thankfully my parents don't hover all the time whenever I'm doing something. My brother, on the other hand, constantly watches me and what I'm doing. I absolutely hate it.


Well-known member
Ugh yes! I remember this time a couple months ago in school when my teacher asked me to deliver something to another teacher and as soon as I walked into the teacher's class all eyes were on me and my voice cracked when I told her that my teacher asked me to deliver whatever it was to her. It was so nerve wracking... I wasn't even a TA so I don't understand why she made me do it. She could have asked anyone else in the class and she knew about my SA too.


Well-known member
I know the feeling; dont mind if my mom is watching me because she's my mom and I dont have to act in front of her but other strangers on the other hand


Well-known member
i do the same thing too. i dont mind helping around the house but when my mom tells me do the dishes "nowwwwwwww" and then just stands there i want to turn into hulk or something. I will perform chore duties around the house but when no one is there, people staring at me or being there just makes me feel like im doing this for them, like im beneath them or something idk why. And im 20 btw so that never changes. =/ unfortunately.


Well-known member
I hate it when people hang over me like a shadow when I'm trying to work. It stresses me out, makes me anxious and as a result affects my general performance. But when I worked in the kitchen one of my tasks was to train new cooks so I routinely had to observe others while they worked, so I have been on the other side of the fence as well. When they did a mistake it was my job to correct them, and many felt they were being criticized and probably didn't like having me watching their every move. Unfortunately I had to, since I had to report back to my supervisor to see if they were suited to work or not.


Well-known member
They don't even have to be watching me, they can be watching TV and I don't like it. I prefer to leave it for when there's no one around. That goes for cooking and doing stuff for myself too.


Well-known member
ohh, no...I don't like it. haha
I feel like there's extra pressure to do it perfectly-- even if it is just a menial task; because someone is 'inspecting' what I'm doing.

I do alot of chores, cooking, cleaning and such but no one watches me do them because I tell them to get the hell out of my kitchen so I can focus.
That's how I get the privacy I want so that I'm not anxious about having someone watch over my shoulder.