Does your family make you feel guilty for being depressed?


I've been having the worst week. From the moment I wake up I've wanted to just cry. I've only gone downstairs when I can just about hold it together and pretend I'm fine.

My mum asked why I was always upstairs and I just said I was busy doing something. Today though she wouldn't let me go upstairs, kept talking about things and I couldn'r hold back from crying.

She said, "Oh for god sake. This is why I never want to come home, I never know what I'm walking into with you. One day I should just drive off and never come back.

I told her that it wasn't fun for me either. I just cant win. If I pretend I'm fine, she says you never talk to me. You're making me miserable by trying. If I talk I get her saying stuff like I mentioned above.

It makes me feel even worse. I know it must be hard for her, but I'm the one with the problems. She can go out and talk to a friend. I cant (I'm agoraphobic). I cant just stop feeling this way. Now I cant stop thinking it would be better if I wasn't here. I'm not going to kill myself, but she's starting to make me think it might be for the best.


Well-known member
You gotta go through that period, finally you will know that you don't need to do what other people want. If there's one thing I learned having SP, is being egoistic is not always bad. When I have enough troubles on my mind, I just say: "f*ck off, leave me alone." You gotta learn you don't need to worry what people think of you or say to you. But I guess you already knew that.::p: My parents also tell me that I should tell them what's going on in my life, they don't know me. But I'm fine with it.;) By telling you that negative words about leaving you isn't making it easier. You should ignore that, she would never do that.;)


Well-known member
Awww, wow, my mum sounds like your mum at times too, sorry you're going through this. ::(: I do understand how it feels. *hugs*


Well-known member
That’s awful it’s hard for everyone but you should definitely hang in there, they say when someone has an illness it’s not only the person who has it, the people that love them, are dealing with it as well and she doesn’t know as much as you do how to deal with it. People can be cruel and if it’s often the ones that we love that can do the most hurt. Just, try to ignore it.


Well-known member
Yeah, there are times when she makes it seems like the things that "happen" to me(pretty much nothing happen, I guess thats the point) is because of my attitude... my attitude? I don't even want to get into it...

Silvox Black

Well-known member
Indeed, my family frowns upon crying as if it is something that can be easily avoided. They have no depth to emotional understanding at all. It is truly unfair to have to see those such as yourself suffering like this. However, if it is the slightest consolation, you can speak to people on the forum. I can assure you, there are no judgmental idiots who will treat your suffering as little more than an annoyance.


Well-known member
Yeah i do feel a burden sometimes.
When theres arguments going on i feel like packing a bag and going but with me being the way i am how would i survive and then theres the matter of money so i would have to get a job. So yeah i'm stuck.


yep my mums always saying stop lazing around, they dont know what its like i cant be arsed to explain to them cos its like im speaking to a ****ing iron wall.


Well-known member
"so just snap out it"! (hand me a gun). there are actually people out there who claim to never get depressed. they cannot understand how it is for the other 90% of the population.


Well-known member
"why are you so lazy." i've heard that so much that i've made up an automatic response. "it's not that i'm lazy, i'm just working on my plan to blow up your house. please don't disturb me."


Well-known member
"why are you so lazy." i've heard that so much that i've made up an automatic response. "it's not that i'm lazy, i'm just working on my plan to blow up your house. please don't disturb me."

Haha, gonna remind that one for the next time they say that to me.:D