Does it get easier with age?


Well-known member
If you have motivation and are not a procrastinator then it shouldn't be that harder. As far as Sa goes yea it does get harder because you need a job, have to go to college, or have some type of schooling.


Well-known member
This might sound weak to some, but as I enter middle age I have become more accepting of my feelings and biochemistry, and less down on myself for expressing them. I feel less deficient, and think that perhaps the anxiety I feel is more of a normal reaction to the craziness out there. I also feel less alone in this regard. I do find myself more irritated by hypocrisy, expectation, and judgement, while preferring to invent meaning in my own life.


Well-known member
In regards to leading a 'normal' 9-5 life, dealing with all the extra stuff us sa sufferers endure with normal everyday occurences.

So does it? :)

I am 50 years old. I recently met someone from my college years who said I am worse now than I was then. I am not sure about that, but I don't feel any better.


Well-known member
For me it has been much easier as the years have gone by because I have been able to learn about Social Anxiety and make positive steps. A lot of it is to do with the regular Joe who is willing to make do with compromise, whereas with SA that is a no-go. Naturally we see so many happy people but underneath that is not always the case. Its almost like saying to myself "Hmm... right all along". Just depends on what you want.


Well-known member
well in ways it gets easier when u get older as you dont feel the peer pressure as strongly to socialize when u get other ways it has gotten worse as when you arent forced to socialize, you can almost lose the ability and you can become even more isolated..