Do you view other user on this site as their avatar?

razzle dazzle rose

Well-known member
Avatars for most people is how I identify them though, I think it reflects something about them too.

I get all freaked out when people change their avatar. Like everyone,I have my favorite members and look for them not so much by name as by their avatar.

Me too! I remember the avatars more than the names, so I get a little lost when people change avatars. So, to do my part, I went back to using the first avatar I had when I joined here :D


Well-known member
I keep my avatar the same so everybody knows who I am. I know the dilemma when a certain person switches and it get's confusing.
Oh yeah and you can imagine me as it too because Misa-Misa is x10 beautiful then I'll ever be.

& Yes, I do view others as their avatar sometimes. I'm more of a visual person.


Well-known member
Yes. It especially confuses me when someone has an avatar that is the opposite sex to that of the user. So if you have an avatar depicting a male or female, I'm going to presume that you are of the same gender as that which is represented in your avatar.


Well-known member
I picture people as their avatar. I don't know how people would picture me lol....