Do you think


Well-known member
This might be the case in the America, Europe and Australia, but it could be different in Asia, Middle East, and Africa.


Active member
I think a lot of people are closer to the introverted side of things, but just show their extroverted side in public. Most people can't wait to get home, kick off their shoes and just relax imo.


Well-known member

If your second function is E, then you can still appear to be an extrovert even though your leading function is I,
I think you can be both, depending on which function you are using.


Well-known member
No I don't think there are. I think truly friendly and outgoing people are rare. I also think the answer is somewhere in between. And each individual has times of introversion and extroversion.
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Well-known member
On the outside, a lot more people appear to be extroverted, but in reality they might be more introverted and inwards than you think.