do you think ...


He is probably the best thing to come out of Scotland
after you that is :D



Well-known member
Annoying or offending people is unavoidable on an open forum such as this one. Of course with this site being dedicated to social disorders, many here probably go over it in there head over and over again whether a post or PM offended anyone. But you can't please everyone, so be yourself and let the chips fall where they may.
Annoying or offending people is unavoidable on an open forum such as this one. Of course with this site being dedicated to social disorders, many here probably go over it in there head over and over again whether a post or PM offended anyone. But you can't please everyone, so be yourself and let the chips fall where they may.

Very well said :)

Repped you


Well-known member
Im a big worrier! :D and i think i get on peoples nerves alot with some of my jokey nature about serious things at times on this forum, my lack of wisdom but thinking i know what i'm going on about, or constant apologising when i feel i've done something wrong. :rolleyes:


Well-known member
I thought I was the only one who gets on people's nerves :).

you don't get on my nerves Lea! :)

I've got a feeling I get on a few people's nerves when I babble on about God a lot in the off topic section. Which is hard cause I really don't mean to annoy anybody but I get so passionate about my beliefs sometimes it's hard not to talk about them.


Well-known member
I think that maybe I come off as a bit distant or unfriendly. I think it's fair that people might become a bit annoyed if I do not reply to their messages. I don't actively seek friendships or have many conversations because I'm avoidant of that stuff. I get forum anxiety. I don't even read replies because I'm terrified of what people might have said. =/

but i feel as if i talk about myself too much!

I do that as well. I hope people do not think I am self-centered. But I think the whole purpose of this forum is to relate to each other, and to do that we must share our experiences.


Well-known member
I thought I was the only one who gets on people's nerves :).

not so little lea , i was annoying as a baby kept my mum up all night crying and stuff , then ages of 3 to five right little tearaway :D five to 10 a nightmare , then in school always in trouble , left school still a nightmare getting drunk with my mates the police picked us up and took us all home , my mother had a right go at me ... getting in fights :eek: ended up in prison for um never you mind ... and here i am on spw and im still anoying at 45 years old ... ill be annoying to my last breath , in fact the last thing i do b4 i die is fart :D so there SO SUE ME ..........