Do You Talk to Yourself ??


Well-known member
DO YOU :?: :?:
I do.
I've read that this common for very shy people.
I talk out loud to myself (when I'm alone and shure no one else can hear.)
Make believe converstions, like I'm talking to a friend.
I'm trying to stop this bad habit.
I think its damaging behavior in the long run.
Then when I'm around people, I say almost nothing.
Thats because I'm too tense? sa kicks in
I'm woundering how I can turn this around?
If I can make up a converstion by myself, then I should be able to make up a nice converstion with other people.

MARK TWAIN once said, " There are no dialogues, only intersecting monologues."
So maybe a converstion is just two (or more) people really talking to thierselfs ?? lol
hopefully i can rememer this.


Well-known member
I tend to talk to myself if I am not around people for an extended period of time. I carry on conversations with people in my head as almost a warmup when I get the chance to speak to someone. I do not think of it as harmful. It would be difficult for me to keep my mind quiet. The only way that seems to cut out some of the inner dialogue and talking to myself is when I talk to people more often.
I tend to talk to myself quite a bit, just random thoughts but not a full blown conversation lol.

It's embarassing when someone hears you though :oops: That's happened a few times.


Well-known member
i dont really.. well

if im mad at my dad or something i'll say out allowed "fucking twat" and shit like that haha.
orrr sometimes when im at the Pc.. and someone like sends me a grose picture or something lol id be like eurghhh mingin. haha.

other than that normal stuff though.. no i dont?? :?:


Well-known member
There is nothing wrong with talking to yourself - nothing at all. I mean if you start beleiving that the "other" person you're talking to is real... than maybe you should get some help :? But other than that... I see no harm.

lol precisely.
I talk to inanimate objects .Bathroom scales, my computer, books, music I'm listening to... And yes it helps to keep a running commentary when cooking or I get distracted. My mum talks to herself constantly so it doesn't seem weird. And people seem to forget how pointless talking to the dog is.

But don't worry.

It's not until you say to the washing machine "Good morning Philip how are you today" that you need to worry.


Well-known member
i dont too much ill mumble something to myself or when im in a good mood i will but lately i ve actually been talkin 2 my dog like ill ask him 2 get the door or turn the tv volume up then i catch myself and remember hes a dog!! lmao


Well-known member
YES!!! but.. I try to do it only to practice. I wouldn't wanna turn into a psycho, and then my mom walking in.. 8O lol my family already thinks I'm weird enough.


Well-known member
speak well of yourself

I think most people do on occassion ( me too).Sometimes when i'm cooking in my kitchen, i'm goofing around and talking to myself, just to break the silence. Sometimes i might be talking back to the radio while its playing a song or some type of talk radio show. One thing tho, if you do talk to yourselves, you might as well say good stuff . I know in the past, if i thought i screwed something up, i would say out loud ''you fucking moron/idiot!!!''. I was thinking out loud, and being my own worst critic. So for the most part, i give myself little congraduatlatory (<<i spell that right? :lol: ) remarks when things go well and nobody there to witness it but me. Its a way of boosting up my self esteem, and when something trivial happens, like spilling my coffee across the counter, i just smirk and swear...but i try not to put myself down. Try it next chance you have small talks with yourself...praise yourself for the little things you do and dont be so harsh when things go wrong...just step back from yourself and give yourself a break.


Well-known member
Ummm, I talk to myself all the time :oops:
Usually I actually swear at myself.....(Oh the shame) or insult people on the TV because I think my life is so crap, like on this show I was watching, this lady cheated on her boyfriend and I swore at the Tv because I hate people who cheat, because I'll never have a relationship and if I did I wouldn't blow it by cheating, I would be so grateful I would probably follow someone around like a puppy.
And today at work I swore under my all day at because the computer gave me the shits, lucky no-one could hear me though.
I'm ashamed to say I've become a real potty mouth lately for some reason :oops: 8O :roll:


Well-known member
yea i talk to myself too...i guess for me the way it works is that I talk as though I'm explaining something to someone. Like I did it just before replying to this post! when I have something to say, a point to make, I can't help but express it outloud, so I say things like, "but the thing about this film that I love is A, B and C. A because of such and such.....B because of this and that...etc...and that's my opinion of that!". I know I'm the only one in the room, and I don't imagine another person who I talk to...I don't really know who I'm talking to....but I do know that I LOVE doing it and I don't see anything wrong with it in the slightest. I'm not hurting anyone, and I find it helps me to sort through my thoughts and to express things inside that I want to get out.

Also, volume level, if I know I've got the house to myself I'll probably talk at a level I'd normally talk at with people....if there's someone in the other room, I'll whisper as I talk, and if there's someone in the room with me, I'll just carry on the conversation in my head....i've got controlling my volume level in proportion to the distance of the nearest person down to a fine art now.....although sometimes I get it wrong, thinking I'm alone when I'm not, but I don't get too embarrassed anymore...I used to....I don't really give a shit anymore.


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I take the cake!!!!

I actually stare in the mirror and have conversations. I would re-enact situations that would have occured during the day, but this time I would be normal be quite chatty and charming. Sad I know. :D

I've only been doing this for about a year, but from now on im gonna stop it.


Well-known member

I talk to myself and reply to myself its like im 2 people in one lol....err must be wierd to watch
I also respond to random thoughts like my mind will tell me someones at the door and ill talk back and say no there isnt, lol

I also tell myself to shut up a lot of the time, shut up as in (stop thinking!)
God my mind goes 24/7 i wish it would shut down

Ive always wondered what this could be i mean is it normal behaviour to talk to yourself?

I dont know im doing it half the time

Actually i think we should write our conversations down (if possible) i think we could have an hilarious thread lol
I know i start laughin sometimes after i realise im talking to myself


I talk to myself without realizing it, usually if I am really excited or angry about something. I have done it in public, like one time at playgroup, the other moms were all talking to each other and I had no one to talk to. I was feeling all anxious and excited and was talking to someone in my head, not out loud but my lips were moving. I stopped when I realized someone was staring at me. How weird is that?


Well-known member
I talk outloud to myself occassionally. I'm always having silent conversations in my head though... Asking myself questions, trying to answer them. I also reherse conversations if I know I'm going to have to speak to someone. I can spend hours going over the possibilities in my head. I do the same afterwards, reliving the bad points.

I used to have conversations with imaginary friends too.


Well-known member
I thought i was the only weird one who imagines their talking in a conversation with a friend. I had come to the conclusion that i was spending too much time on the computer, chatting. And, well i do still think that. What with really is the most comfortable way to communicate with others.
I'm trying to stop this though, whenever talking emerges into my mind, i try getting a song stuck in my head, or watch tv or something.

And i tend to re-enact situations as well.

pathetic mind problems!
I'm not sure I should be posting here because to my knowledge I don't suffer from shyness (I don't know if Pee Shyness counts), but I do talk to myself.... A lot.

I don't know if it counts, but I read outloud and then sometimes go off on an imaginary theme related to what I've just read. Like I put myself in the situation and take the roll of someone important and needed.
I daydream a lot about being "someone" and I generally do it outloud.
When I'm riding my bike I talk to myself all the time, but that's different I think because generally I'm just warning myself about possible dangers in traffic... "whatch out for that guy with the huge dent in the right side of his car... he probably hit some poor guy on a bike before". :p

Sometimes I'll say things like "well I think maybe 'we' should go to the store" or "let's get out of here for a while, 'we've' been sitting around for too long today".

One thing that I've noticed but never understood is that sometimes when I pass someone in the street or wherever, and I say "hi" or "How yah doin?" I'll find myself repeating what I just said quietly to myself afer we pass. Sometimes over and over again like I'm trying to see if it sounded OK or something.. I'm really sure the reason.

My Mom talked to herself all the time.