Do You Talk to Yourself ??


Well-known member
DO YOU :?: :?:
I do.
I've read that this common for very shy people.
I talk out loud to myself (when I'm alone and shure no one else can hear.)
Make believe converstions, like I'm talking to a friend.
I'm trying to stop this bad habit.
I think its damaging behavior in the long run.
Then when I'm around people, I say almost nothing.
Thats because I'm too tense? sa kicks in
I'm woundering how I can turn this around?
If I can make up a converstion by myself, then I should be able to make up a nice converstion with other people.
I do exactly this! God i thought i was completely alone. Been feeling a lot of that recently :(
I can never have a normal conversation, and i find that i analyse everything i say, like *that was stupid*, *why would she care*, *she didn't even listen* so when i go home, i think the conversation through, out loud, and try to think of what i should have said. I find it very difficult to talk to people, i have no friends at the moment, as i moved schools, and no one wants to be my friend because i am boring. I am going to university in September, so yeah, i hope things will be better :?


I do - not always out loud but sometimes, yes. I often think of how a conversation went and what could have happened during it, or what happened if...?

It's all 'what ifs' with me!


Well-known member
Damn i talk to myself all the time. One time i talk to myself in english and was swearing alittle or something and then my granpa covered me and i was like damn, thank god he doesnt understand english very well but still was embarasing to be covered on speaking to yourself


Well-known member
goldilocksrocks said:
so glad i read your post, maybe i'm not insane, maybe talking to myself is another thing that social anxiety causes. I speak to myself alot and usually do it when i'm feeling anxious about something or upset. Like for example, is someone really pisses me off i will have a conversation with them in my head or out loud when im alone because there is no way i could actually confront them in real life. Or if I have a speech that i have to do for university i will perform it in my head and then out loud and even speak for the other people that are watching it....pretty weird huh! im not ashamed, just wish i could speak to other people and not just myself!!! your not alone xxx

ahh, that sucks man.

Who's not alone?


Well-known member
Yep. I do. Alllll the time. EXACTLY in the ways you described.
Thank god it's not just me!

Eggb4thechicken - .......exactly me. In a nutshell. THANKKK YOU FOR DESCRIBING MYSELF TO THE FORUM! xD =]


New member
Yeah, I seem to have a best friend that I talk to, and they answer back. It helps me though, get through alot, it helps me realise that will happen if I do something that I wouldn't do. It makes me feel like I'm not alone, because I have the same problems as me. It's easier to know that I'm not alone, even though I am when I do this.
That's right I also had an experience like that.
I remember this one time distinctly - because the guy was wearin' a white shirt.
And when I snuck up behind him and stabbed him right in the back very hard - lots of blood dripped down my arms. His shirt filled with blood, soakin' it all up like an old sponge or summit'.
It was a really good experience - but the guy himself didn't think so...he died... :lol: .....


Well I’m glad I spotted this post as I have been wondering lately if I was the only person that had conversations with them self, terns out I’m not thank god, thought I might be crazy or something well may be I am many be we all are.
Ye I also analyse what I said to a person or how I acted once a person has left I always wonder what they thought of me and there opinion of me


Well-known member
Yeah, I do quite a lot. I'm always having pretend conversations in my head with other people, be they celebrities or just friends or family members. Maybe it's just a way of me practicing my speech and my small talk? Who knows.


Well-known member
I.. oh, lets confess it.. I talk to myself and, what's probably even more weird, I often do it in front of the mirror.

Ah, but so what? It's not destructive for anyone, is it?



I,m "stop" i,m feeling i have reach a point i tried thats all i will say i think this is a great forum and i think it will help many people with problems similar to those of mine goodluck to all social phobia sufferers bye all.



Occasionally, when no one else is around, I'll record myself talking for 30-45 minutes, as a form of self-therapy. It helps.

sometimes I OCD on talking to myself.. just like you. maybe pretending you are telling someone (friend/person you dated...) "your whole life story" even.... i've realized I enjoy it very much. but it feels like wasted time at times... I have to put a cap on it if it takes up to much time.

when I was younger i started doing it bc when I got upset with someone at school I found myself wishing I could've had more wit & stuck up for myself. so I would vent while alone & upset about what this person did by pretending I was telling them "whatever" or wishing I could have fixed the problem through better communication.


Well-known member
Re: yes

opinionated_m said:
sometimes I OCD on talking to myself.. just like you. maybe pretending you are telling someone (friend/person you dated...) "your whole life story" even.... i've realized I enjoy it very much. but it feels like wasted time at times... I have to put a cap on it if it takes up to much time.

when I was younger i started doing it bc when I got upset with someone at school I found myself wishing I could've had more wit & stuck up for myself. so I would vent while alone & upset about what this person did by pretending I was telling them "whatever" or wishing I could have fixed the problem through better communication.

Sounds a lot like me... I grew so used to doing it that I usually don't realize how much time do I spend infront of a mirror, talking to people who aren't there. Sigh. Well, there are more destructive activities on this planet... but there are also a few more useful things. :roll:


When I'm feeling isolated, I occasionally talk to myself as a way to broadcast my thoughts and break the silence. There's really nothing wrong with it unless you literally believe you're talking to someone, which I don't think anyone here does. My brother caught me once, and I had to make up something that was complete B.S. It's not really a good habit, I try not to do it too much, but it doesn't make us crazy either.