Do You Talk to Yourself ??


Well-known member
only all the time, I often think out stories or possible events and then act like i am telling them as a story to someone.... weird but.. i think it is entertaining.... and yep my mom has walked in on my walking around the room talking to my self lol,,,,,,,

- yea i am crazy,,,
-- but crazy works for me....
cm123 said:
only all the time, I often think out stories or possible events and then act like i am telling them as a story to someone.... weird but.. i think it is entertaining.... and yep my mom has walked in on my walking around the room talking to my self lol

Wow, that's me exactly.


Well-known member
i do some imaginary monologues. preparing to speak to someone. very often. i think it is bad for identity and/or confidence. but i m trying to break this habbit because i m good when spontaneous.
Yes yes, I do this a lot, but I don't actually speak aloud. My head's constantly spinning though. I'm always thinking about what to say, what I should have said earlier, what's "normal", how I might be perceived by saying something, etc.... and so what results out of all this are made up conversations with myself.


New member
is it sad that i have actually cried reading posts on this forum? i swear i thought it was just me!! i've searched the internet for years to find out if anyone else felt like i do and came up with nada then i just found this forum and the relief is amazing.

anyway about this talking to yourself 22 and i've done it since i was 14. and i dont mean thinking out loud, i mean imaginary friends and talking to people who arent there.

i started doing it around the time my uncle was murdered and my mum had a nervous breakdown. its like i just go to my room, shut the door and switch off and become anyone i want to be. i pretend to be a celebrity, or just a really beautiful happy girl who has all the things i want and is all the things i want to be and i decide who is in "my" life and what they do and what they say.

its my world and it goes my way and i love it. i've always had a pretty over active imagination though.

I've been caught loads of times and its so embarrassing. nothing sends my stomach hurtling to the floor quicker than the words "who are you talking to?!"


Well-known member
Dallas - yeah, I know how you feel, it's always amazing to know that one is not alone/not the only one.
its my world and it goes my way and i love it.
- you said it. If only we'd be able to accept our selves and our worlds... without feeling the need to live up to some expectations and shit... without feeling embarassed and self-conscious... if we'd be able to accept our own authority... and just make the most out of it... that would be great. :wink:

maritimemuse said:
Yes yes, I do this a lot, but I don't actually speak aloud. My head's constantly spinning though. I'm always thinking about what to say, what I should have said earlier, what's "normal", how I might be perceived by saying something, etc.... and so what results out of all this are made up conversations with myself.

I'm the same. Well, I've been very much the same. My head full of words and words... conversations... thoughts... and it made me feel bad. (I think it's okay - everythings is okay - when you feel okay about it. But I didn't.) Well, I used it: I started writing. I write quite obsessively now: incoherently at times and it mostly isn't much readable, but now I feel good about my head being full of words - I'd say I feel PROUD of it.

(Oh, sorry. Writing too much. Just skip it, will you.) :D


Well-known member
dallas said:
is it sad that i have actually cried reading posts on this forum? i swear i thought it was just me!! i've searched the internet for years to find out if anyone else felt like i do and came up with nada then i just found this forum and the relief is amazing.

anyway about this talking to yourself 22 and i've done it since i was 14. and i dont mean thinking out loud, i mean imaginary friends and talking to people who arent there.

i started doing it around the time my uncle was murdered and my mum had a nervous breakdown. its like i just go to my room, shut the door and switch off and become anyone i want to be. i pretend to be a celebrity, or just a really beautiful happy girl who has all the things i want and is all the things i want to be and i decide who is in "my" life and what they do and what they say.

its my world and it goes my way and i love it. i've always had a pretty over active imagination though.

I've been caught loads of times and its so embarrassing. nothing sends my stomach hurtling to the floor quicker than the words "who are you talking to?!"

There's a very easy way out of that. Just say you're trying to write a story/play and you're saying it in your head.

I don't really talk to myself very much at all but I write. A lot. Occasionally successfully. There was one short story once that I felt had to be spoken rather than written so I recorded it aloud first and typed it up afterwards. (Sold to local radio :D tho not for very much :( ). I've never written a story that way before or since, I always write them down first.

I think writing would help anyone with social phobia.

I was so sad to read about your uncle. Maybe writing it down would help? Even if you just wrote it to yourself.
There are some GREAT suggestions here. It seems like a number of us have taken the writing approach. It just makes sense to channel all of this energy we have into a creative purpose.

I'm terrible at writing short stories and such (more to do with my writing skills than shyness--lol), but I like to keep journals. I've been doing it since freshman year in high school. My journals are very important to me. They're the best reflection of who I am beneath the facade I put on in public.

alter_ego, that's awesome. I never thought of that. Recording your voice first and then writing. I'll have to try that someday. And congrats on selling your short story. That's definitely something to be proud of! :D

dallas, No, it's not sad at all. It's wonderful to find out that someone is just like you and to forge that strong connection.


Well-known member
When I'm mad at my loud, obnoxious, outspoken, bossy mother-in-law, I pretend like I'm telling someone else about it and it helps to get it out. I do it repeatedly like it's a compulsion.
I talk to myself a lot. The only person I really trust in this world is me.

I find that talking to myself (or outloud) and talking through problems helps me a lot and puts things into perspective.


Well-known member
I think about what I'm going to say to someone days before I say it and rehearse the convesations aloud to an empty room. I also think of random situations and act them out as if they would ever happen.

It's a real relief to see I'm not the only one!


Well-known member
Sometimes I act as if I am talking to someone in my head, thought I never talked loudly, just in thought, but I make gestures and move lips. I don't usually realize when I start to do that. I keep thinking on a situation where I am explaining something to someone, and I even keep thinking on funny things and laught alone sometimes... lol, not laught out loud but I stay like with a smile in the face. A few times my sister catched me like that lol... oh my god, she must think I'm crazy. Shyness is not for the faint hearted... lol

I think I should stop doing that, when we feel the need to talk we should instead seek for real conversations. That is like replacing real conversations for false ones.


New member
i do, i usualy talk to myself when im purchasing items or whatnot, trying to figure out the math, sometimes it can get pretty severe but mostly is under control.


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Atlantis said:
Sometimes I act as if I am talking to someone in my head, thought I never talked loudly, just in thought, but I make gestures and move lips. I don't usually realize when I start to do that. I keep thinking on a situation where I am explaining something to someone, and I even keep thinking on funny things and laught alone sometimes... lol, not laught out loud but I stay like with a smile in the face.

i do this a lot. especially after social situations where i replay the situation in my head over and over and imagine what i should have said and how i should have said it... weird. it is not intentional. i will just catch myself making facial expressions or saying things out loud or laughing- usually when i am totally alone. when i do catch myself i think to myself that if anyone else saw me that i may be frightening to them- it's so weird.

maybe this is why i am so paranoid in social situations. i'm afraid my true weirdness will be unaccepted... so i am weird by censoring myself instead.


New member
I live alone, just me and my 4 dog's and I find myself talking to them all the time. Do you have to go to the bathroom? Or Murphy is this your poop! At least no one else can hear me. But, today I was in Wal-Mart and found myself saying,No! you don't need that, I was in my own little world.


Well-known member
dottie said:
Atlantis said:
Sometimes I act as if I am talking to someone in my head, thought I never talked loudly, just in thought, but I make gestures and move lips. I don't usually realize when I start to do that. I keep thinking on a situation where I am explaining something to someone, and I even keep thinking on funny things and laught alone sometimes... lol, not laught out loud but I stay like with a smile in the face.

i do this a lot. especially after social situations where i replay the situation in my head over and over and imagine what i should have said and how i should have said it... weird. it is not intentional. i will just catch myself making facial expressions or saying things out loud or laughing- usually when i am totally alone. when i do catch myself i think to myself that if anyone else saw me that i may be frightening to them- it's so weird.

maybe this is why i am so paranoid in social situations. i'm afraid my true weirdness will be unaccepted... so i am weird by censoring myself instead.

Anyway, I think talking alone is not something characteristic only of social anxiety. There is a lot of people who do things like this like review situations in their heads. I have a friend like this and he does not suffer from social anxiety.