Do You Talk to Yourself ??


New member
yes, unforunately, i'm a victim of doing ths. i believe i've been doing this since uh 9 or 10 years old(turning 28 this year). yes, i know, very DEPRESSING.
I haven't read many of the earlier posts (7 pages, wow!) but for what it's worth...A psychology professor once told me that it is perfectly normal for most people to talk to themselves as a "rehearsal" for a social encounter. In fact, he said that not talking to yourself would be like a musician or actor not rehearsing for a performance. I was relieved because I talk to myself all the time when somebody upsets me and I'm thinking about all the things that might pop out of my mouth when I run into them next...However, I'm annoyed at myself when I do this, because I grew up thinking my mom was crazy when I could hear her whispering to herself all the time. My sister and I still crack up laughing when we joke about her doing that...


Well-known member
Someone told me once that talking to yourself is a sign of intelligence. It's when you answer yourself that it's a sure sign of insanity.


Active member
ripewithdecay said:
Someone told me once that talking to yourself is a sign of intelligence. It's when you answer yourself that it's a sure sign of insanity.

ill have conversations with myself all the time, i guess im insane :lol: lol


Ever since I was VERY little I have had this problem. I think it's hindered me further from having real relationships. I love my little world so much, it's too painful to be in reality. I am an only child, and there were NO kids to play with growing up. My mom felt so bad for me and I appreciate all she did but it still stunted my personality I think.

Anyway, I would make-believe another life I had where people truly cared about me, and I was pretty and popular. I would yearn for night time so I could lay in my bed and just dream. I hated waking up as I knew I had to live real life and if I daydreamed too much it would interfere with schoolwork or my job as I got older.

When I met my husband it faded a lot, as I actually had someone who liked me for me! I still imagine somewhat but it is better now. I hope this is true for everyone who is/was like me. Life can be bitter, but it can also be wonderful. :D


Active member

i talk to myself alot to , answer myself back even alot to

I think alot of ppl do it even non-shys


I also talk myself a lot, in my case it is worst cause there are periods of my life that my thinking is very negative and exaggerated. To fight this I also tell myself "not to trust in those negative thoughts" therefore I end up overwhelmed by my fears.

I also use to think that, being lonely, and talk to myself will drive me nuts, but that's another FEAR, hahaha I can't believe it. As you guys said, normal people also talks to themselves, some psychologist even recommend it. But me, the negative thinker, would think that, talk to yourself is a signal of getting crazy.

That's why it is important to have a strong supportive circle, like friends and family. Sadly I've been avoiding them for too long. But there is still hope, I joined SA meetups, I'm talking with my therapist, and just by talking I find out that many worries are bullshit.

We tend to think negatively TOO MUCH.