Do you REALLY not have any friends?


Well-known member
Just acquaintances, none that I feel comfortable calling to hang out because I know they won't go......sometimes I think I'm getting close then I hear them refer to me as 'someone they know' NOT their friend :roll: .


Well-known member
I have one friend. He's from work and lives 40 miles away so that sucks.

We don't have that much in common though, but he's a cool guy, no doubt.

Other than him, I'm pretty much friendless, although I would be able to make conversation with some people I casually knew in high school and continuation school... that's if I'll ever see them.


I have people I hang out with. If Im not skateboarding with them then we really dont hang out


Well-known member
I have a workplace aqquaintance i call my best friend and elder sister.. I'm a guy but cos of my SA i dont relate to any other normal guy on the planet who would take interest in girl friends and 'hang out with his girl', have the power in the relationship... The only trouble is this 1 friend i have is way better than me and i can only dream of being in touch with her... Sorry this got too long... :)


I seriously had NO friends from the age of eleven until I was about twenty one when I met my to-be-husband. Now I have him and he's wonderful... I still would like some girls or something to just hang out with... but... nyah well. Seriously I have no idea how in the crazy universe I managed to have the sheer insane luck to ever have someone as wonderful as my husband... that's why I NEVER say that anything is impossible any more, because at one time, I thought that was. It is kind of hard for him to make friends as well... we have a lot in common that way, although he does have a few.


Well-known member
alex29 said:
i have a small group of friends that i feel most at ease with. i can joke around and have fun with them but i never feel in the loop and i dont have anyone i can really open up to. like i would never be able to share any personal feeling with anyone im "friends with"

but i do hang out occasionally. i guess i have friends but i dont have a close knit group nor do i have any best friends

That's exactly the way I feel with all my "friends".

THEY are a close group, but I'm like an addon or tagalong, since I'm related to one of them (he's my uncle, but 0.5 years younger than me. Don't ask.)

EDIT: Most of them have moved to bigger cities to go to universities now, anyway. The only people left here in Mandal are me, my uncle and one other guy in the "gang".


Well-known member
I have acquaintances, no friends. People I talk to at work but thats it. And honestly its driving me insane. I used to think I was introverted but I'm really not. Just trapped cause of SA. So the longer I go without friends, people to do stuff with, the more frustrated and moody I become.

When I'm not at work I'm home on the computer, reading, or trying to draw but I desperately need to do something fun and exciting cause I'm really not a quite person and love to be around people. But right now I feel completely exhausted, irritated, etc with my inability to do anything. I've got this bug like I wanna take a super fast car and drive it like I stole just to relieve myself. I'm like bottled up energy inside and my emotional side of me is so exhausted trying to keep it all in.

I'm not the type of person to get drunk (never been drunk), have sex (never had sex), and drive recklessly (still don't have a license) just to let it all out and get some kind of thrill from my insanely boring and mundane life thats driving me crazy. I need friends... good friends. I wish I had em but I don't...

And I hate the person that I am on top of it. Im not normally aggressive, angry or irritable. I love it when I'm just being myself, fun, energetic, goofy. But right now I'm so focused on changing and just thinking about it I think I just need to slow down and not try to do everything at once.

I mean, I've picked up weight lifting, a new diet, new ambitions, goal and all this to try to overcome SA I think I've overwhelmed myself and its turning me into a person the complete opposite of what I wanna be.

I just wanna friend... and not a cheesy online friend. A real one... I have online friends but its not the same. Theres only so much you can type to each other anyway. And its not much fun.


Well-known member
I have a close male friend and about six aquaintances..but he's super depressed like me...and isn't your typical male, he likes alot like more female interests but he's not gay or anything...and it bothers him alot besides he's different and has no male friends, and he had a really terrible childhood; dad a heartless alcoholic. I just can't seem to attract, you know, normal, happy people. I have a few "happy" aquaintances but we don't share much in common. I know I shouldn't judge not like I'm freakin perfect anything because he's a really generous and caring friend but misery loves company sigh. Also had another male friend I knew for 10 years...then he just went weird and totally different, like just changed so I made the decision to just cut ties with him. My social life is just freakin' depressing...I'm not interesting enough to make that many friends.


Well-known member
I quite literally have no friends, "hangout buddies" or "not friends who think of me as a friend tho."

I hate when people exaggerate, it gives me a false sense of having something in common...

"I literally have no idea what is going on!"
"I have absolutely no friends"
"I haven't a clue what you are talking about"

...all have been diluted to be meaningless exaggerations of something that is actually relatively normal. This makes it hard to get my points across. When I say "literally" nobody takes it literally anymore :(
hippiechild said:
I quite literally have no friends, "hangout buddies" or "not friends who think of me as a friend tho."

I hate when people exaggerate, it gives me a false sense of having something in common...

"I literally have no idea what is going on!"
"I have absolutely no friends"
"I haven't a clue what you are talking about"

...all have been diluted to be meaningless exaggerations of something that is actually relatively normal. This makes it hard to get my points across. When I say "literally" nobody takes it literally anymore :(

I really like what you just said there. It's hard to understand what people really mean when they say it now. Two people can say one thing and their meanings of something "literal" can mean something completely different. That's why I find it so hard to trust people on what they say.


Well-known member
Psychedelicious said:
I really like what you just said there. It's hard to understand what people really mean when they say it now. Two people can say one thing and their meanings of something "literal" can mean something completely different. That's why I find it so hard to trust people on what they say.

I'm very glad that someone else has had similar thoughts


Number1usjoe said:
I used to have friends but not anymore.

Same here. They're all rednecks who stopped liking me when they realized that I was different than them. They just think I'm insane and either ignore me, or make my life a living nightmare... I guess we were never real friends, I could never tell them something in confidence...


Well-known member
Well, I have a couple of buddies ..but thats it.

I remember I used to have a good friend, but that's in the past.


I don't have any close friends, besides my girlfriend. :)

I mean, I'm very easy to get along with and I am pretty friendly, it just takes me a long time to get comfortable enough around new people to act like myself. I was friendly with all the guys and gals I worked with at my last job, but even though I considered them friends, we never hung out or did anything outside of work. Haven't been at my new job long enough to get to know anyone too well, yet.

I had a small group of buddies from grade school to high school, but since graduation I don't talk to them anymore. I was still really bad with my anxiety and depression and, even though they called now and then to invite me places, I always made up an excuse and skipped it. Eventually they quit bothering to ask, and I don't blame them. The few times I did go meet them were depressing. I really hated showing up and having to explain that I wasn't in school, I wasn't working, I still lived at home with my parents. I just felt like a loser.



i can truly say i have no friends.. though this is because i move around so much and not so much because of the HH.. i work at a place where i am talked about visciously on a daily basis because of the BO.. it is a factory and dirty so i cant really do the clothes changin thing.. it amazes me. the backstabing cruelty.. and im always paranoid that im goin to get fired for the BO.. but im thinkin that might be against the law. hopefully. i know if it were up to some of the people i wouldnt be there. though i think now that ive kinda got a handle on the sweat.. they still have a field day if i pass gas... its unbelievable .. there are of course my 'work buddies' that seem to be able to overlook my problem and i have a good warm workin relationship with them. but dealing with the knowledge of the other half.. very very difficult. im glad i found this place.. always hiding and never talking outloud about this except to my doctor is sooo isolating. i was sure there were no others dealing with this out there. ive thought about suicide.. after all im worth more dead than alive but i always think maybe this will pass. maybe it will. im good at findin things to do on my own. thats a plus. its too bad we all dont live down the street from each other. :D



New member
I haven't had any true friends for three years.
I have plenty of acquaintances, but not friends.


It has been more than ten years since I have actually had a friend. There were a few online buddies I chatted with throughout the years, but they all wound up disappearing eventually, as well.

I know I am not easy to be friends with. All my "issues" complicate things quite a bit. But there must be one person somewhere out there... All my life I have wished for a friend who would stick by me no matter what.