Do you REALLY not have any friends?


Well-known member
I guess I do have one "friend" kinda, sorta, not really. Dont really consider her a friend. But I know if I really wanted to I could call her and we could hang out and stuff. But were just really different and not really the kind of person I would wanna hang out with. Never see her and hardly talk to her...

I would say I have no friends


My facebook friends list makes it look like I have LOTS of friends! But all of them are either acquantinces who I see at work, relatives or people I talked to a bit in high school/college who have added me.

As for 'real' life I have no friends, I spend all of the time when I'm not working with my family, that's it! (for better or worse)


Well-known member
I have 2 friends from highschool... I only see each of them like once a year. One of them I talk to quite a bit online but recently she wrote to me that she was going to give me my space and I never replied back... I didn't know whether she was really doing it to help me somehow or if she was sick of me... It just confused me... I maybe have a couple of friends from college but I don't know if they count since I haven't seen or talked to them in over 2 years... They wanted to have a baby shower and see my baby amnd stuff but I kept avoiding them... They were both outgoing and more the popular type and I always felt out of place with them... and once in college I tried telling one of them that I was worried I was pregnant and when she found out I had something that was hard for me to say she burst out in total confidence, "You're a lesbian!" which just confirmed to me that she thought I was different/weird/didn't belong... and that she didn't "get" me.


Well-known member
guilty! i really have none.

there's a few dudes who live near me who come by occasionally and introduce me to all their friends and blah blah blah.... i never really hit it off with anyone and life goes on... but it's still fun to chill with cool people my own age. just wish i wasn't so afraid to call them up more often!


Well-known member
i only have one friend. dont know why i call him friend though his parents like me but he only invites me over when there is noone else..


Well-known member
I really don't have any friends. I don't even have any acquaintances, because I've been homeschooled for the past couple years.
I don't have any online friends either. So, it is the 100% truth when I say I have no friends.


Well-known member
I only have acquaintances,lost all the few friends I had,because I didnt keep the contact,going out and etc.


Well-known member
I really had no friends at all from about 16/17 up until 20 years old.

Since age 21 up to now, my only friends were the BFs I had, and a couple of guy friends (one from work, one I met online in real life, one I met at a bar, one who I'd just consider a FWB in college.)

I have no girl friends whatsoever. The last time I had one was about 15-16. They were neighborhood girls.I find it too hard to make girl friends. And although I am not sure of the intentions of the guys I meet (perhaps they want something physical), at least they are willing to give me a chance.


At this time there only two persons which I can still call friends. But I'm afraid that I am going to lose them. Now we meet much more rarely than we used to in the past. Just once at every 2-3 months. This is not good.


Well-known member
I honestly have NO friends. Not a single person who I can call on and count on to be there for me. Not a single person who I can call up if I would like to go to the movies with someone or something. I have a couple acquaintances who I keep in touch with through facebook, but they are not people who are really ever there for me.


Active member
curently I have 0 friends. My highschool friends don't talk to me and i don't have the courage to reach out to them although I know their on line and stuff. Its really depressing, SP makes me feel so painfully lonely.