Do you REALLY not have any friends?


Well-known member
..or do ppl on here just say it?

..cause it seems like ppl say they really have no one, but actually do have a couple of good friends and it just a saying?


Well-known member
I really don't have any friends :(, with the exception of a female friend that I made two years ago. Don't ask me how I ever managed to do that. I actually like having a friend of the opposite gender. It's just more interesting, for some reason. I wish we could be a little bit closer; I'm guessing it's my fault that our friendship isn't a little bit stronger...


Well-known member
I don't know, I guess it depends on what people think of as a "friend." I have a few people I call friends, yet I very rarely see them, they either don't or extremely rarely call me to do anything, and they never bother to say hi to me on Facebook. I know they're busy, but still, they have time to message other people, so I end up feeling rejected.
Part of the problem is that we have different interests right now. They're more into the party and barhopping scenes while I'm not. I guess friendships get closer and more distant, depending on peoples' life circumstances. They still like you, yet want to do different things with their free time, so there aren't a lot of opportunities to see each other.

So technically I do have a few friends, yet I still am alone and do most things alone. I have acquaintances and people who I "know," yet that doesn't mean I hear from them other than running into them somewhere.
I'm sure there are varying levels of friends, from acquaintance-type people you only see once in a while to those people you really feel comfortable being yourself around.

You can have "friends" and still feel lonely, which is what I'm currently experiencing--even with the girl who I've been friends with since elementary school, due to increasing fear over being judged and rejected. Hopefully I can work out my fear issues to the point where it's comfortable to hang out with old friends again!


Well-known member
oNecoOlazN said:
..or do ppl on here just say it?

..cause it seems like ppl say they really have no one, but actually do have a couple of good friends and it just a saying?

I have like 5 main friends but our relationship doesn't go deep and is pretty superficial. Dont get me wrong, they are very nice people but we dont share the same interests. I cant talk to them about important things. In fact, i dont even know why i call them "friends"...they are more like "acquaintances".


Well-known member
i have a small group of friends that i feel most at ease with. i can joke around and have fun with them but i never feel in the loop and i dont have anyone i can really open up to. like i would never be able to share any personal feeling with anyone im "friends with"

but i do hang out occasionally. i guess i have friends but i dont have a close knit group nor do i have any best friends


Well-known member
alex29 said:
i have a small group of friends that i feel most at ease with. i can joke around and have fun with them but i never feel in the loop and i dont have anyone i can really open up to. like i would never be able to share any personal feeling with anyone im "friends with"

but i do hang out occasionally. i guess i have friends but i dont have a close knit group nor do i have any best friends
Thats kind of like with me and my friends...i can joke and have fun with them but i cant open up. Rarely do we hang out outside of school.
I am lucky enough to have one very good friend. I don't want anymore friends though. We are on the same wavelength and I don't think anyone else would get us.


Well-known member
i hate to sound dramatic but i really dont have any. i kinda got used to being alone but i would still like a friend someday.


Active member
I have some aquaintances who I used to be good friends with, but I don't like them anymore because I have nothing in common with them or their personalities at all. I've got one real friend, but there's a lot about him that I dislike, I don't feel really comfortable around him or anything but he's my best and pretty much only mate other than my brother, who I'm totally comfortable with but he's a w****r and does my head in sometimes :roll:


Well-known member
I dont have any friends either... A few work colleagues who are nice but i feel really frightened when i want to talk to them... other than that i just have my brother to hang out with... i spend my time hugging my t.v shows and music when i get panic attacks! sob!


Well-known member
I have 1 really good freind
A uncle thats really coool
And thats about it
I dont know how anyone could be used to no friends
Loniless is a killer with out the dieng part
the worst kind


Well-known member
Yea, when i am alone i feel devastated... i fantasize about t.v show characters talking to me and giving me comfort... :cry:


Well-known member
Sometimes I fantasize about talking with someone, although I have friends. Two, actually.. two friends. I know one of them for more than 12 years, a really good friend. Unfortunately, he will be working in another country until October. The other one - he moved to another city. So I am alone now. Even literally - my parents are at vacation for several days and I am absolutely alone...


Active member
I've got two people who I consider good friends, I also have a few basic friends that I keep in contact with but don't communicate with often. Those two good friends are basically my best friend that I've known for years now and a very good female friend that I met in Uni but I simply can't see anything romantic happening with her.

I've also got quite a few acquaintances that I never speak to, and I spend most of my day alone and pretty bored.


I have only one friend... but we haven't hanged out in a year, but we used to talk quite a bit on the phone. I wouldn't say that we are really close, or maybe I'm just insecure... there's my boyfriend, but I don't honestly think that counts. I don't have any really close friends that I can go out and talk to. :?