I don't know, I guess it depends on what people think of as a "friend." I have a few people I call friends, yet I very rarely see them, they either don't or extremely rarely call me to do anything, and they never bother to say hi to me on Facebook. I know they're busy, but still, they have time to message other people, so I end up feeling rejected.
Part of the problem is that we have different interests right now. They're more into the party and barhopping scenes while I'm not. I guess friendships get closer and more distant, depending on peoples' life circumstances. They still like you, yet want to do different things with their free time, so there aren't a lot of opportunities to see each other.
So technically I do have a few friends, yet I still am alone and do most things alone. I have acquaintances and people who I "know," yet that doesn't mean I hear from them other than running into them somewhere.
I'm sure there are varying levels of friends, from acquaintance-type people you only see once in a while to those people you really feel comfortable being yourself around.
You can have "friends" and still feel lonely, which is what I'm currently experiencing--even with the girl who I've been friends with since elementary school, due to increasing fear over being judged and rejected. Hopefully I can work out my fear issues to the point where it's comfortable to hang out with old friends again!