Do you like spiders?


New member
Hello, I'm 18 and a freshman at Cornell University. My major is entomology and I have 3 pet spiders, one of which is crawling on my face in my avatar :). I've had issues with depression and anxiety for about 5 or 6 years now, however no therapy I've tried has made any difference. I hope to find out more about people like me and maybe find something more specific that fits my anxiety symptoms so that they can be better addressed with therapy.


Well-known member
I dunno if this has anything to do with SA but I am hella scared of spiders and something like that on my face is my worst nightmare. But everyone has their own thing


Well-known member
lol you are really courageous,if I find one that size near me I would probably scream like a little girl :D,welcome.
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Well-known member
Non harmless spiders are alright, though they still kind of freak me out. But around here all i've got is these damned Recluse spiders. It's an all out war between me and the Recluses. I will absolutely go out of my way to kill one of these bastards and I mean completely out of my way. They'll never take me alive I tell you!!!
Creepy Crawly

Woah Cornell, that's awesome. Hmmm, I'm not sure if I like spiders or not because I never see them that much or know any. I think they're pretty cool and I'm not afraid of them or aything. I just don't like it when there's like 100 black windows in my house. You seem really cool though, welcome!


Well-known member

I'm slightly afraid of them. I've been thinking about getting one, but i dont know which kind. *shudders* If it escapes... I might have to move... I couldn't stand the thought of it seeing me when i couldnt see it...


Well-known member
I don't like spiders, I'm afraid. I did part of an animal care course in college, and part of the course involved looking after a Chilean Rose spider. Marilyn, as she was called, just made my flesh crawl. I refused to work with her. I'm sure she was very pretty and a lovely pet, but she was perfectly welcome to be a lovely, pretty pet far, far away from me.

And she apparently had the ability to shake if she felt threatened and release loose hairs on her body that could irritate the skin, eyes and sinuses.

They're okay when they eat annoying bugs.

I've been thinking of getting a Venus fly trap. They don't give me the creeps.


Well-known member
I think Spiders are cool - it's snakes that I don't like!


I have had pet rats in the past - loved them. So smart and curious little creatures, but after my last 2 past away (better to keep them in same sex pairs for company), I still can't get over it :( so don't wish to move on yet. Perhaps one day.

People thought I was REALLY strange, not going out AND having pet rats, but I think they're the best pets


Cool avatar Araignee :)


Hello, I'm 18 and a freshman at Cornell University. My major is entomology and I have 3 pet spiders, one of which is crawling on my face in my avatar :). I've had issues with depression and anxiety for about 5 or 6 years now, however no therapy I've tried has made any difference. I hope to find out more about people like me and maybe find something more specific that fits my anxiety symptoms so that they can be better addressed with therapy.

Hi Araignee, have you tried ACT yet?

Jim Stafford said:
I remember when Mary Lou said
"You wanna walk me home from school"
And I said, "Yes, I do"
She said, "I don't have to go right home
And I'm the kind that likes to be alone
As long as you would"
I said, "Me, too"

And so we took a stroll
Wound up down by the swimmin' hole
And she said, "Do what you want to do"
I got silly and I found a frog
In the water by a hollow log
And I shook it at her
And I said "This frog's for you"

She said, "I don't like spiders and snakes
And that ain't what it takes to love me
You fool, you fool
I don't like spiders and snakes
And that ain't what it takes to love me
Like I want to be loved by you"

Well, I think of that girl from time to time
I call her up when I got a dime
I say, "Hello, baby"
She says, "Ain't you cool"
I say, "Do you remember when
"And would you like to get together again"
She says, "I'll see you after school"

I was shy and so for a while
Most of my love was touch and smile
Til she said, "Come on over here"
I was nervous as you might guess
Still looking for somethin' to slip down her dress
And she said, "Let's make it perfectly clear"

She said, "I don't like spiders and snakes
And that ain't what it takes to love me
You fool, you fool
I don't like spiders and snakes
And that ain't what it takes to love me
Like I want to be loved by you"


Well-known member
I find them quite interesting, the bigger and scarier, the better. I'd like a couple myself if I weren't so lazy.


Perfect organism. Its structural perfection is matched only by its hostility.

I admire its purity, its sense of survival; unclouded by conscience, remorse, or delusions of morality.


my wife just called out to me in a very serious voice, lo and behold a tarantula roaming the hall in our home, grabbed the raid and attacked it, luckily I got it before it found a place to hide, scary stuff!


Well-known member
On march 14th here in Tulsa a Brazilian Wandering Spider(worlds deadliest spider) was found in the produce section of the store. It somehow managed to ride all the way here on a bunch of bananas from Honduras. Supposedly if bit after 25 minutes you will collapse and die of asphyxiation. There is an antidote for the bite but it's not believed there are any here in Oklahoma.

Stuff like this is why I hate spiders lol. Yeah....yeah...yeah I gotta say I hate them quite a bit.