Do you LIKE being shy?


New member
Hi, this shall be my first post, and I'm really glad I found this forum =) And I wish to know from you guys, do you actually like being shy? Do you ever wish you could be more outgoing? I envy those that can easily get along with others and can make friends easily, and I always get the feeling that outgoing people always tend to have more fun in life :/ Things always come so naturally to them, while I would always have trouble coming up with things to say to people...


Well-known member
I hate being shy, and desperately wish I could change it. I agree that outgoing people seem to have so much more fun in life and that being social just seems to come naturally to them. I would much rather be outgoing than shy. I think my life would be so much different (for the better) if I was outgoing since the day I was born instead of be a shy, timid child since the day I was born.

Welcome to the forums, though! Hopefully you get something positive out of it, in at least knowing that you are not alone with your feelings of shyness.


hello shoelaces. Well, i don't like being shy or dislike it. I just wish that there could be a day that I could get rid of the fear that comes with it. I would really like to wake up one day not caring about what others would say or think about me. I'm so tired of that feeling.... It stops me from living my life. So I guess no, I don't like being shy :)


Well-known member
I don't like it at all. It makes me feel embarrassed about it all the time.I hate how it makes me feel and I hate admitting it too.
I don't like it at all...I only have 2 friends and I'm too shy to invite them to do things, and when I do hang out with them, I'm to shy to be myself, let loose and have fun. So yeah it sucks


Well-known member
Yes its certainly not something I like having. All of the above that has been mentioned can relate to.
Everytime I start a new job I think right gona try change and be more chatty etc ...never happens though.


Well-known member
I hate it. Having people come up to you and speak and not being able to say anything.


O, how I sometimes detest being shy. It makes me behave like a childish young girl; maybe that's why people avoid me because of my odd behavior. I think people find this type of behavior uncomfortable in an adult woman. I have to point out that some people do have a bit of shyness, but they are able to cope with life's demands and even be outgoing with their friends. But in cases where shyness is extreme combined with social anxiety, it can make life a living nightmare.


Well-known member
I both like and hate it. But then again I am both shy and not shy at times. Things are always so weird for me. I don't really mind the shyness because it seems to make me different and unique compared to most people but it has hindered me at times from doing things.

Lately I really haven't been feeling anxious or shy much at all. I've been going out a lot and meeting new people. But theres always those times of course which I become withdrawn again back to my old self. My old self which I try to not be.


Well-known member
I think it's something that can be "cute" for a minute, but then becomes a serious handicap in your life and for others in your life.

And the older a person gets, the less cute it is, and the more pain it brings in life, exponentially, in my opinion. Once you're in your late teens, shyness to the degree of a phobia isn't fun at all. I have had no fun in my teens because of it. No careless fun with friends, which was something I was looking forward to as a kid. I'm 23, and feel like I've missed out on quite a bit due to it.


Well-known member
maybe automatically i'd relate more to shyness, or pick it out since shyness is my natural tendency and i'd have more affinity to something more like myself


Shyness has shaped my life. It basically turned my high school career into four years of nothingness. It's what caused me to be unable to pursue my interests or meet new people. It's why I graduated without a single close friend and felt totally disconnected from the world. So the only thing I can do is embrace it and accept it as the way I am and will always be.


Well-known member
lol what kind of question is that ? of course not

the only times when i thank god i'm shy is when this shyness keeps me out of trouble, other then that sucks