Do you have stange habits?


Well-known member
I know these may sound weird but whenever my clothes or something small is on the floor, I usually pick them up with my feet. When I was little, I used to sometimes eat small pieces of tissue paper tiny pieces of paper. I would like use dips for my some of my snack foods like for example I would dip chips in some ranch dressing after I ate my salad. Plus, I would always like after I'm done eating something like spaghetti, I would just scrape all of the sauce from my fork and just like eat it, I even use my finger and rub it around the plate of suace and eat it that way too. I always walk around in circles in the store if I'm bored or even at home. Do you have any strange habits of you own?
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Well-known member
I don't do this anymore, but when getting a drink of water, I would run my whole hand under the tap, then use that hand to drink water from a glass. Somehow I found this to quench my thirst more.

Eating tiny pieces of paper seems very odd indeed.


Well-known member
This is going to sound beyond odd but I like the smell of whiteout XD! So I use it on my paper sometimes.
Oh yeah and I have to check both of my closets when I enter my room incase of burglars haha!
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Well-known member
I pick stuff up with my feet too - so long as I can grasp it with my toes or work my foot underneath it to kick it up. (I do pretty much the same thing when I change clothes as well, launching any article of clothing light enough so that I can snatch it out of the air with my hands.)

When I'm thinking I'll occasionally push my fingers up the bridge of my nose, as if pushing glasses up - which is odd mainly because I have 20/20 vision and have never worn glasses in my life.

Not sure if this is all that odd, but since I rarely know what to do with my hands during a conversation, I keep them clasped behind my back.
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Hie yer hence from me heath!
When my hair was longer, I used to have a nervous habit of twirling it when I was in social situation which involved my family.

Any guitar players on this forum, by any chance? Anyway, I don't know if this will make sense... or if it's just me who finds himself doing this? But I've noticed I have a tendency to start - almost subconsciouly - doing powerchord shapes or the 1st finger, 3rd finger, 4th finger scale exercises with my left hand. Usually if I'm bored in a social situation. Like I'm imagining playing the guitar in my head.


Well-known member
I do a lot of strange things when I'm by myself. I pick clothes up from the floor with my feet as well. Scrape all the sauce from the bowl with a fork too. Make a strange face whenever I walk past a mirror, I seem to have to pet every cat I see outside. Haha, and much more. ::p:
Used to chew pens a lot. Not tasty when they burst and leak.

Sometimes will scuff a floor with my shoes in a mall or store, in a marching-like fashion. Not sure why yet. Usually when I am following someone and really have no reason to be where they are.
This is going to sound beyond odd but I like the smell of whiteout XD! So I use it on my paper sometimes.
Oh yeah and I have to check both of my closets when I enter my room incase of burglars haha!

Liked the smell of whiteout too and markers, but i wasn't trying to get high or anything. I wuz just curious of the scent.